Hi y'all. I was hoping to get your impressions on my map, Facility, based on GoW's Gridlock map (my other favorite 360 exclusive). It's mainly focused on slayer and it was built over the lake in ravine, so i decided to make its theme into a sort of water treatment facility. I stayed true to the original design for the most part, but i did make some changes to the map. If you're familiar with the map here are the major changes: 1. The building that houses the boomshot (replaced by rockets) is made up of pipes for the most part, allowing a thin sight line running along the building. 2. There is a ramp (made of a "pyramid" piece that allows a third way to get to the sniper, the other two being the two sets of stairs. 3. On that ramp lies a neutral ghost. I'm still unsure if vehicles are a good idea or not. 4. There are short pathways or tunnels that run along the ground underneath the base. 5. Finally, there are many spots only reachable with a jet pack. While these do give a good advantage, there isn't much, if any, cover to prevent camping. I'm not sure what else to say exactly so here's a picture album: Facility - Imgur sorry about the crappy quality, i dont have a capture card. There's also a video exploring the map and the map itself on my file share. Feel free to search my Gamertag: PokeRapper to access either one. Embedded photos: Sniper Spawn Blue Spawn Overview of map with sniper spawn at left and rocket spawn (Boomshot) at right Blue Base Blue Pier with sniper spawn to the left Red spawn (really blurry sorry) Red Base Rocket Spawn Ramp going up to Blue side base Ramp going up to red side base
Scale it a little better, use rocks or something else as the cars, and make an execution type gametype and I will be ready to play.