Hello fellow forge geeks. we will be testing 2 game types (slayer, VIP) on Mech Assault tonight at around 9pm EST. We will also be testing a map by Aeoss and will be willing to test your map if you choose to join us. Send a FR or just post your interest here and i'll hit you up. party rules are pretty straight forward. forge talk only but have fun. here are some updated pics showing the new cover set pieces at spawn, and added cover in the trenches. link to map preview: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-forge-discussion/142092-mech-assault.html
Hello everyone Aeoss here Along with the Mech Assault Map and select gametype variants, i will be present shortly to provide a play test of my minigame. Below are a select few images of the Beta. The name of the map and game are subject to change and so is the map. However i am currently working with: Spartan Ball on Mantis Gunball Arena Work as a team to push the soccer ball across the map into your opponents goal, thus scoring. the first 10 seconds of the game is used to determine who wants to be goalie. first person in? or a person you know is your teams dedicated goalie. After 10 seconds the goalies and remaining players will spawn in field, where the true game begins. aside from the goalies, remaining players get to use the premade loadouts which all require different tactics in order to be used effectively with the rest of your team. i would say more however, il simply wait for you to learn hands on during the beta play test here shortly. If the play test goes well and critques are limited, i will push forward, if it breaks. back to the drawing board! Enjoy and see you soon!
I just missed the game by a few minutes, got the invite but it ended up being full. how'd the testing go?