Maybe I can get some help here. I've created a koth game type variant on my map. I have 4 hills. Hills A, B, C, and D. All the hills work just fine. Once in a while the hill will change to a phantom hill, labeled hill A. You can walk up to where it tells you the hill is located, but there is no hill there and the game can not resume. Any ideas as to why this might be? While I'm here, when setting the hills shouldn't I be setting them for True under "game-specific"? Seems like it would make sense to me, but when I do that the game does not recognize I have any hills and the game will not start? It only works when I have it set to false, but that can't be right can it?
The problem is how you've got it set up. I don't know how you're labelling hills as A, B, C and D. Sky mentioned this to me earlier, but I've found no labelling options for this. You should set the spawn sequence for the objectives to have a sequential hill movement and all hills should be labelled KOTH_HILL With that said, the on-disc KOTH gametype is set up randomly. If you play a "random" KOTH game, only the hill with the spawn sequence as '1' will be used first, all hills that follow will be generated randomly. Are you using Hill Markers as your objectives, or are you using the shape for the block? If so, you actually need to set the shape and play space for the hill by adjusting the shape. By default, blocks retain a shape of "None" so you either need to set it to "Cylinder" or "Box" to have a hill area.
Labeling the hills A, B, C, and D is done by setting the spawn sequence to 1, 2, 3, and 4. 1 being A and always the first hill to start the game. 2 is B, 3 is C, 4 is D and they are all random after the first hill is captured, it has nothing to do with which hill comes next. It's just A will always be first. Yes I do have the set as cylinder and box, but like I said, all 4 hills work fine. It's just a 5th random A for some reason that won't go away. While waiting for a response I decided to set up my map for oddball. I placed the ball where I wanted it and set the game-specific to true and it worked just fine... BUT NOW ALL MY HILLS ARE GONE. When I start a koth game only the phantom hill remains and when I go back to forge and edit my king of the hill game type all the hills are gone. What is wrong with this game?