Soon, darling. Soon. I'm about 75% done with my first Halo 4 forged map - though there have been frustrations along the way (why no precision movement?? WHY????), it looks pretty and magnets have been more helpful than I would have thought. Duplication is also helpful if you need to repeat a piece at the same weird angle a few times. I'm still afraid about this FRL problem, but the first lobby we run will give us a good idea how serious it is, I guess.
Is that the one we discussed with the corridors for vehicle x!? I hope it is. I fear i made the classic mistake of mine and made my map too small...
I was thinking December 3rd. But If everyone has something ready sooner, I suppose we could try for Nov 19 or 26. @Nut. What is this map you are working on? @Audience I feel like even though I made my map bigger than the original, it still may be too small. :/
I did the same thing... I officially dislike Complex to the extreme. Which is sad, because I thought its layout was OK...
26th might be nice, let people have a bit longer to build things and get their feet wet in the game. No can talk bout it. Audience knows because I had the idea while I was bothering him in a forge session. I'll unveil it when TCOJ convenes.
A bunch of us from Reddit got on the "Remake Map Pack" maps and were having frame rate issues at times. Not really impacting, but noticeable none the less. Split screen def made it worse.
Got in my first H4 customs lobby with all forged maps today, and of the four that we played, one (a remake of Damnation/Penance) had noticeable framerate problems looking from the top of "green room" toward the teleport receiver. It wasn't by any means an outlandishly overdone map either, so I can only assume it was the openness of the view and qty of objects visible. It seems like specific objects causing horrible FRL almost single-handedly is a thing of the past, but otherwise we may not be that much better off than we were in Reach; it's still quite possible to have frame drops on medium-sized, well-under-budget maps, and it's still apparently close to impossible to forge for splitscreen play.
Hmmmmm My map's budget is maxed, and from one end of the map you can see almost 80% of all the pieces. Never tried split screen, but we recently did a 6v6 test and had no issue with frame rate. Forget about dynamic lighting though...
The lag wasn't that horrible though. It wasn't unplayable. It was still there though. I was really surprised my map didn't lag. And Audiences map didn't lag either and that had really long sight lines. As long as you avoid insanely long sight lines and super dense areas you should be able to build just about anything. That lobby actually helped restore my faith in forge a little and got me excited for TCOJ!
The dynamic lighting appears to disable itself before FRL occurs... so pretty much, any map with dynamic lighting shouldn't have FRL. With that said... I think I figured out why the DL sometimes gets disabled on maps... I think it's when maps have too many shadows being casted. I had a map built with about 8000 budget and I started building some pieces over the top and the DL broke, I removed the pieces and the DL returned. I've also noticed it might not be the number of shadows, but how long it takes to generate them. I'm guessing you can have upto 5 seconds of the initial spawn cam to render DL (My map's intial spawn cam appears at 6 seconds to go instead of 10). I've also noticed theres about 3-4 seconds of "Generating lighting" after players return from black screen even though the game is actually still playing. Lastly... teleporters don't render on maps for some people. My recent map has two teleporters and numerous people have said they can't actually see them! I had the problem earlier as well in a smaller lobby.
That dynamic lighting bug is so weird. Hopefully people will figure out a concrete cause/limit for it (if there is one) so we can all avoid it. Though my current project is doing fine, even using Impact corridors and a decent number of objects (budget is about 7500, though that includes lights and several shields as well). Gorilla's having that issue too on his map. Strangely it's not consistent at all - when we were in a game earlier (I assume he was host) he could only see receivers and none of the three senders. In the same game I could see two of the senders but not the third one. No clue why it does that, or why it was different for the two of us.
You're welcome. I need to add cover and play it with 6v6... I really don't want to shrink that map. It sounds like too much work. I'm glad we are starting to figure out all of our new glitches and issues. The quicker we get them down, the better we can find fixes or work around them.
ive made a BTB map that is pretty simple in structure and uses the entire terrain of Ravine. I was told in testing that it was having framerate issues. :'(
In forge, I noticed there was a lot of framerate lag whenever I spawned one of the exclusive pieces and phased it into some bridges. I'll try to be more specific whenever I'm online again. It's one of the ugliest pieces on there anyways.
Great! Out of curiosity what did you end up doing? I was pretty disheartened by that lag because I didn't notice anything particularly bad in your design - nowhere with about a hundred pieces merged together, for instance...
I thought the size of the map was perfect. It was comfortable and offered a lot opportunity for long range battles and some good cqc. If you had built that exact map in reach, it never would have been playable. Also, I liked it more than the original endeavor. Which was a lot.
I also liked it as an improvement on Endeavor (far less cramped, and H4 'nades vs. Reach 'nades helped with that too). But I do think it could stand to be shrunk down somewhat. Ranged combat was about the only kind of combat. Personally Audience - I know you don't want to hear this, but rather than trying to make and test a squad map, I'd spend the time to rebuild that bad boy, and just ensmallen (that's a word!) it in a few key ways.
Ya I can't seem to figure it out. But they are in frames. I'll probably add shields like you suggested. I did fix the deathpit. I made it slightly smaller and added a railing. And a few things to purdy it up. Its currently on my fileshare as Mortal Twin v4 if anyone wants to check it out.