Ok so i made this 16 man tournament map. If you dont know what that it is starts off with 16 people going through a series of 1v1's untill there is only 1 guy left. For anyone that knows the map you know how the ramps are set up to spawn. I have then set up at the right times. But when i go into custom games 1 ramp wont spawn at the right time. Even though its set to the right time. In forge when i go to start new round they spawn fine on time but in custom games it won't what do i do?
Where is that? It seems that where ever i spawn the 2nd round ramp does not spawn at the right time it spawns waaay after. I dont get it
This could be the invisible object glitch, or the dissappear glitch. You should try to remove that ramp, and place it again. And reset the timer. For some people this has worked, hope it does for you. Because i am also kinda interested in your map. Tell us if it worked, if not we try to come up with somenthing else.