ive seen some posts on here with pics of there maps and there all as good as it was in halo Reach when you upladed them from Waypoint so is there a way to get your recent screenshots on ur computer? or have they just been taken on your camera etc?
I used the method outlined here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...o-4-screenshotextractor-0-2-8-0-released.html It does take a little bit of effort, but to be honest it only took me about 30 mins from start to finish to get 5 screen shots out, and now i know how to do it i can do it in 5 mins. Good Luck
thanks but i dont like transfering stuff to a USB, done it once and lost my whole gamertag and tha so had to re-strart and it was a week after i renewed gold :/ ill just try get camera from somewhere and do it like tha, cheers anyway