Segue Pronounced Segway, for those that were unaware. This is a map between the two landmasses of Ravine. The map has somewhat of a natural curve to it, to adjust to the map itself. It has a kind of "Narrows feel" to it because it is this elongated structure consisting of a few levels to fight on. Supports: CTF, Oddball, Regicide, Infinity Slayer Very few weapons are spawned on the map itself. I chose to do this because the load out systems with ordinance drops make weapon spawns on the map kind of pointless. That being said I put three power weapons on the map, shotgun, rockets, and sword. Other than that, rifles are littered around the map for ammo purposes. This map is still in the testing stages, and has already been through a few changes to adjust to the feedback already received (you may see this in the video because it does have some before and after shots). If you're interested in playing/testing let me know and I'll do my best to get ya in! Thanks for any feedback guys and I'm looking forward to hearing it! (Pardon the video, I am extremely rusty.) Segue, A Halo 4 Forge Map - YouTube If you're interesting in downloading for yourself, you may search for my gamertag (Lapiscool). It should be the only file that comes up, for now at least
Meh, I don't think adding teleporters to a map this size would improve anything. I think it would just make things a bit too chaotic, because the logical places for them to be placed (exits that is) are places that are quickly accessed via running there. Also, adding more routs would more than likely just add more confusion. However, I have been looking into putting a lift from the middle under-bridge to the top of the bridge to allow more multilevel travel. When you say better aesthetics, could you elaborate for me? I thought the braces combined with the fog/vapor in blue base proved some nice atmosphere. Thanks for your feedback! Ill let you know if I get that lift up and going!
The map seems very linear for the most part. I understand that you have multiple levels, but on a layout like this, I feel like players will be playing tug of war.. (not enough shown space for wide flanks) EDIT @ captnstfu: Radar issues could complicate this. That is, if he's playing with radar.
honestly it looks really good, iv been stumped on wtf to do on that badass little area and this seems to work, if anyone wants to run some games im down just send me and invite. as for map feed back, i don't see a problem with flanking your enemy there's multiple levels that would allow you to get behind the enemy and honestly maps like this and narrows as well are fun because its a kinda back and forth forward battle without having to watch your ass the whole time. Teleporters would kill this and the aesthetics are fine, the natural geometry is all the aesthetics you need for a map like this, great job man i really like the looks of this. ill update on game play after i corral some people to play with me lol. ps. anyone know how to get your fing screenshots from waypoint, man 343 needs to make a bungie like site this **** is gay