Arena (Working Title)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by xXxZealot, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. xXxZealot

    xXxZealot Promethean

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    UPDATE 1.02:

    Just a couple fixes. I fixed the entire "broken up section" style the middle looks like by adding a couple of ramps in the arena. Also added a couple of "structures" in the middle of the arena so it doesn't look so blank and offers some cover.

    A couple block movements as well. Spent the remaining money on some blocks outside the playable map to give the illusion that there is stuff/buildings beyond the map. I played a 1v1 against a friend of mine and it was actually really fun. I'm somewhat happy with how it turned out even though it's not very good aesthetically.

    Also, got rid of the original spawns over at the forerunner section of Ravine. Completely forgot about them in the original version. My apologies. Pictures below, please test (thank-you if you do!) and download from my fileshare (xXxZealot). Feel free to leave feedback on how to improve the map below.


    Updated Overhead

    A Look at the "Illusion"

    Hey guys, sorry in advance. I'm really new around these parts. Well, not really new. I've been lurking for... well, for a long time. But I am a new forger myself. And a really bad one, at that. However, I set myself a challenge tonight. To create a map as fast as I could that could sustain a simple 5v5 team slayer (and possibly 10FFA - haven't made compatible YET). It took me about three hours, but I've finally finished the core design of the map. By that I mean it's ready for testing.

    This is the first map I've ever worked on (apart from a couple in Forge World but they weren't "map" maps) so feel free to showcase the large abundance of mistakes I made. Seriously, I'd love to learn as I am incredibly amateurish.

    The premise for the map was simple. Create an "arena"-esque environment that allowed players to either use medium range weapons (around the edges of the map) or to duel it out in the middle. The action needed to be quick, so there are plenty of ways to get into the battle quickly (teleporters, man-cannons). You may think that players would primarily stick to the outsides due to the minimalistic safety that the cover provides (which isn't entirely effective considering there are many ways to flank), however ordnance drops only drop in the middle. The *only* initial drop is centred directly in the middle (and is a SAW).

    The rest is pretty simple. Symmetrical. There are two bases. Catwalks. A middle section where most of the fighting should take place (with absolutely no cover). Outskirts where there is a LITTLE bit of cover.

    I haven't been able to test the map, though, because I have a serious lack of friends who would like to play customs. So, if it's not too much to ask, I'd really be grateful if some members of this site were able to test it with some of their friends and see how it works and then they can relay the information onto me (for future changes). I tried to avoid using the pre-made building structures as that's just... boring. However, I ran out of building blocks so I had to use four building structures as a "back wall" for the bases. I'm sorry if the map is that terrible that you feel angry, I truly am. I'm no forger. :) But I would love some feedback and advice from the forging community. :)

    - xXxZealot

    Instructions on how to download:
    1.) Search fileshare: xXxZealot
    2.) Download "Arena" -Ravine Forge Map-
    3.) Play or stroll around on Forge (compatible with Infinity Slayer - 5v5)

    Pictures Below: (Sorry for bad quality - nothing I could do)
    Overhead Angled View of the Build

    The Middle "Arena"

    One of the Two Bases (Specifically, the Red Base)

    The "Arena" View - SAW Ordnance Drop Location

    Thanks for checking it out! Leave feedback below! :)
    #1 xXxZealot, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2012
  2. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You're welcome. :)
  3. xXxZealot

    xXxZealot Promethean

    Likes Received:
    HAHAH. Thanks for that. :)
  4. lapiscool

    lapiscool Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Hah! Thanks, I'll admit I was defiantly tilting my head to look at the pictures. From the pictures, it seems like a lot of the ground is broken up. Are there any ramps connecting these? Or are they meant to be jumped on?
  5. RegardlessDolan

    RegardlessDolan Promethean

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    Dude, have you never heard of rotating images?
  6. Alpine Drift v

    Alpine Drift v Promethean

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    I can see LoS problems and lack of cover through the middle there.
  7. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    alt gr + right arrow XD

    so basically, there is a massive deathtrap in the center of the map?
  8. xXxZealot

    xXxZealot Promethean

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    Meant to be jumped on. The middle is a kind of death-trap, I guess. You'll need to go there to get ordnance but it's not a good idea to get caught out there alone. :) And. no, I haven't heard of rotating images but thank you for telling me. :)
  9. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
    Senior Member

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    Actually I can tell your using an Iphone and you can click the edit button in the camera roll and rotate the pictures on the phone before uploading them. I do know that you shouldn't ever take pictures with the phone in the vertical postion. Take pictures with the volume buttons so they would be on top of the phone holding it in Landscape orientation. Also I downloaded your map and found you have a bunch of 5x5 flats inside of the 4x4 talls... I am rearranging things a little bit on your map to try to help get rid of the death trap area. I will show you once I'm finished and see what your thoughts of it are. I don't mind helping new forgers.

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