I HATE THAT!!!:LKJFLKSDJFSL:KJFS:L every map i make, ends up having this same problem occur, "Too many objects on map" THERE IS NO SUCH THING BUNGIE F U
That was actually going to be my next project lol. Not much of a remake but just a map with plenty of traps and tricks.
thanks everyone for the 100 dls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i wish bungie would just get rid of the limits on forge altogether just give us infinate walls and stuff Please bungie Please!!
nice, one of the most innovative shooting ranges ive ever seen. love the difficulty increase. i'll never use it but 5/5
you really should give it a try it will help your weapons ability amazingly after this my favorite gametype is swat and team snipers
great map maximum. nice interlocking and the map looks clean. also just so you know i love the mini game(red side). so fun although the shooting range is very helpful as well. good job
I saw this map while you were making it, and it looked pretty cool then. I've been looking for a way to warm-up before going into matchmaking (Especially Lone Wolves. Damn you Generals!) instead of having to play like 10 social matches. I'll definitely have to download it this time. Nice job.
Nice, but pretty much, you never EVER want to quote yourself, let alone as a testimonial in your own map. Other than that, looks cool-ish.
thank you and i dare anyone to try to live 5 minutes alone in default slayer on the red side (with the flying fusion coils) PS fusion coils are the funniest thing of my life if they have a chair next to them (i got a splatter on construct with a super sonic chair