I've used these forums a lot for reach back in the day, but now with halo 4 I decided to make an account and actually get involved. I'm working right now on a variation of dominion, where 2 teams are fighting over the same base. I thought it would be more interesting to have one base fortified to the max rather then several bases with the minimum. I wasn't sure how to set it up so that there was only one base, being that once you own all bases on the map your team wins. So I started each team in an area that only the can access, and they need to capture that starting area to advance to the main ground. Once the starting areas are captured, a teleporter spawns to take you to the next area, which is also a place you can only get to from the initial spawn and teleporter. I set up up both these areas an equal distance from the base they'll be fighting over, as not to give one team an advantage. Once the 3rd base is captured, you'll have 90 seconds to take it before it fortifies with 6 turrets, and every single barricade. There are two ways to get into the fortress for attacking teams. You can rush the front, which is the fastest way but there are 6 turrets to get past. Or you can go around the base by way of a tunnel (very long), and end up in the basement of the fortress. This bypasses all the main defenses. I thought this would be a fun variation of the new gametype, and I tried to put my own spin on it. I also have some interesting loadouts specific to the map. I used impact for this by the way. I'll be taking some pictures a little bit later when I can get back online (someone is using my tv at the moment) Anyways, the real reason I wanted to post this right away was to find out if I had to actually create the game with more then one base to make it work this way. Can you actually have just one base and have the game run the whole amount of time without the first team to capture winning instantly?
Disable last stand in the Dominion custom game settings before you start and the game will not end until the timer does.
Also you don't HAVE to do the three-base thing. You can still just do 1, though if you do three you gotta watch out for potential spawn/teleporter camping.