STATION 4A This is the first map I played around with in Halo 4's Forge. I started with the idea to remake one of the new battlegrounds from World of Warcraft, as it reminded me of Oddball and King of the Hill in Halo. So, the basic shape of the map is based on that; but that's where it ends. I decided to keep it smaller, and so I walled in the center area, as you will see in the screenshots. I also added some hallways that can be entered via ramps from the hill area. There are 2 major spawn areas, which are 2 opposite corners; for the 2 teams. There are obviously a decent amount of neutral spawns elsewhere. Storm rifles are on a relatively short respawn timer and spawn in both of the starting spawn areas. There are other ordinance drops that will keep coming every so often during the match. Anywho, I'll post some pictures now, and discuss something about game variants afterwards. Map Screenshots: Spoiler This is one of the 4 corners, this one is blue team's initial spawn area. You can see the ordinance drop behind the barricade. This is a general overview of the map. Pay no attention to the walls jutting outside of the map, as you will never see those during gameplay. Looking to the right from one of the corners. Looking to the left from the same corner. Looking toward the hill from above. Looking toward the hill from above from a different position. Looking at the hill from within the hill. Looking down one of the halls you can access via the hill. Looking down another of the halls. It is a simple a square of halls, with various forms of cover to keep it from being a complete deathtrap. Demonstrating what goes on beneath the map. It is far enough down to not vibrate your controller and screen on the main playing area, but high enough to cause that effect in the hallways. It is not a constant explosion, they are on a timed respawn. If you dislike this, it's easy enough to go in and delete the coils. Alright! So, game variants. This map is compatable with King of the Hill, Oddball, Regicide, or any type of Slayer. I reccomend King of The Hill or Oddball, as it was primarily designed around those variants. The halls will be largely unused in KotH, and probably more used in Oddball. There is one thing I ask anyone using this map do: Set it so that no one is using jetpacks. If that means setting preset loadouts, do it. If it means disabling armor abilities, do it. Map Download: Search: Kronos 001 in the file browser in Halo 4. Download: Facility 4A Please leave try it out, leave your comments, etc. Thanks!
Looks like a fun small map but the map name kind of irks me. I expect to see like a thousand maps with station or facility in it on impact. Pretty clean for a first map, a bit open. It looks good, not great but also not the worst i've seen
I can agree with you on the name, I didn't spend a whole lot of time thinking about it, lol. I will say that I purposefully didn't clutter it up with more random cover, I like my KotH games a bit hectic. Heck, my favorite KotH map in Halo 3 was just a big ring in the middle, and the teams spawned in basically an armory where they could gear up before they went to the hill. At least I didn't make it THAT bad - I see your point though.
Kronos001: I really do enjoy the overall look of your map and I will download it to look into it further, although from the pictures it appears the main floor is mostly all entirely flat across. If you could arrange a little bit of height variation to the map it would add a huge bit of complexity to the maps game play. I agree though, this is a great first map and has potential to evolve.
That's actually not a bad idea; I may look into adding some sort of height variation in the future. I may just repost it (assuming I make the change and it works well) when 343 has the fileshare thing up and running.
looks like a good little map, I'd be willing to test this one out. Imo the only thing wrong with this map is some of the overlapping floor pieces. in my experience it causes a real ugly flickering ingame. but I'm super ocd when it comes to forge I have to precision edit everything lol
looks good but id say its to square and that the middle should be opposite... who would wanna go in the middle map wheni ts on such lower ground?
It was made primarily for KotH, in that they would be forced to go there. It is meant to be a bit hectic. In other gametypes, no, it won't be used much; but the ramps and hallways will be.