I'm working on a new map using Dominion, and there are a lot of cool new features but there are some things I just can't figure out. For one, how do Dominion vehicle spawn pads work? I know that they appear after a base is fortified, but is there any way to set how frequently they respawn? I tried figuring out how they work by messing with the "use cooldown" function but no matter what I did for vehicles (I used a banshee to test it) they spawned about 1 minute and 33 seconds after being destroyed. What do the "Use Cooldown" and "User Data" functions do? I've tried searching for this stuff google but I couldn't find anything useful.
I don't know myself, as I haven't looked into forging a dominion map yet; BUT, there is a pinned topic here with Forge Tutorials. One of their tutorials is on Dominion, so try watching that!
go into a Match made Dominion game, and save the map from your temporary history. from there access the map via forge and tinker with the settings to see how they did it. user data isnt fully known yet. however, i believe by default cooldown period is set to -1. not sure if this determines a true or false setting and or respawn time for the vehicle associated with the pad.
I recommend the video from CertainAffinity that talks about setting up the game type elements. I posted the videos here (I am a bit surprised the thread was not pinned, as it is perhaps the most basic useful thread yet).
That COULD be helpful, but those are the very very most basic things. what OP is referring to is the "use cooldown" feature (and no one knows the user data feature yet also) I've tested that use cooldown feature in forge for turrets, and there is no difference at all, -1,0,1 and all above 1 (aka all numbers) do NOT affect the spawn time for the cooldown, so it is clearly broke, like custom options.