T R E M O R S Alright. Most of you have probably played some form of the game tremors in Halo, be it in Halo 2, 3, or Reach. Maybe even 4, I don't care. Point being, this is a very simple game; in this case it does have honor rules, but as far as I can tell, there is no way around it. 1) Blue team are the humans, or whatever you want to call them. 2) Red team are the tremors. Have either 1 or 2 depending on your party size. 3) Tremors CANNOT shoot, only splatter. 4) Tremors CANNOT splatter if their target is not on the floor. (just because you can find a way to boost onto their rock or what have you does not mean they are free game to be splattered). 5) Humans cannot harm or board the tremors. The game variant in my fileshare has it set to 1 round for a reason. If it goes any longer, the teams will switch sides, making a bunch of tremors; most without ghosts, and 1 to 2 humans. Team changing is not allowed, there cannot be more than 2 tremors. Everyone starts with the hologram armor ability. That's all you need to know to play this game. Sure, if you're the leader you can change it up. If you want to allow tremors to ramp onto anything they can find a way to ramp on to, whatever, it's not my party. This is simply how I prefer it. Have fun playing tremors again! ANYWAY! On to the map itself. The playing floor is huge. I spent about half the forge budget making it; granted I used things such as upside down pre-made buildings and ramps to make the floor bigger, so that upped the cost plenty. Some people will like this, some people will think it's too hard for the humans. To me, I like it big. If you play with a decent sized party, this will not be an issue. I'm not going to say this map is fancy in any way. It's not amazing. It's not a forge masterpiece. But it gets the job done for a fun match of tremors, so take a look at the screenshots, leave your comments, try it out, whatever you want. Download "links" will be posted below the screenshots. Spawns, Flags, and a Bad Overview: Spoiler Ghost / Tremor spawns. There is a trait zone to prevent them taking damage when the fall down as well as to lower gravity to make it less of a straight drop. The game variant has indestructible vehicles enabled. Human spawns. Yes, they have a flag, nothing I can do about that in Halo 4 since the flag stand and capture plate are one in the same. The tremors' flag. The humans must take it and return it to their base to win. An overview. I have to say that an overview does not do this map justice, so please do look ahead at closer screenshots. The "Right" Path: Spoiler Random pipes. While not used in the beginning due to the small headstart humans generally get, these will be useful in the final stretch in capturing the flag. More randomish cover. Deal with it. One of the more interesting pieces of "cover" on this map. Ghosts can fit under the bridges and such. Satellite antennas shoved in the ground. While this is not the most direct path, the first to venture into this area can obtain the active camo armor ability. More random cover. Sorry again. A walkway of pipe built around that rock thing. Useful on the way to the flag, not so much on the way back. You can also see [somewhat] a hall brace thing against the mountain's side. It's not fancy, but it's a decent place to hide from the tremors, while not necessarily being safe. Past that point is the flag area, as shown previously. The "Left" Path: Spoiler The far left side of the left path. Nothing much to say other than the tremors are not able to boost up the sides of these (not that it would be allowed anyway). More random cover. Rocks and ruins, whatever you want to call it. It is my prefference to tell the tremors that they cannot ramp onto the slants, but I suppose that's up to you. Another of the more interesting bits. The rocky ramp drops you down onto a single vertical pipe, it also has a trait zone preventing you from taking fall damage from the jump. You can also see the spire-ish rock with slanted pipes in them; you can stand on those pipes, and jump from pipe to pipe if you're good at it. A rock field, because why not? The light is on the rock in the back simply because it makes it slightly easier to see where you can actually stand on it. More pipes! Players have to crouch under the higher pipes to jump on the lower, middle pipe. Once on the lower pipe one can easily jump to the higher ones. And again, after this is the flag area. Map and Game Variant Downloads Search: Kronos 001 in the Halo 4 file browser. Download both the Tremors (map) and Tremors (game) files. I appreciate any comments and feedback you guys may have. This is indeed an unfinished version of the map, but it is definitely playable. A couple things that need fixing and that you might want to warn your parties about: the ramps over the platforms on the "right" path are high enough for a ghost to go under... IF they boost and are going straight. If they go in slowly or sideways, they may get stuck or have to slowly wiggle their way out. One other thing; warn your tremors not to go BEHIND the arches directly after the pipes on the left path (near the human spawn) - it is out of the playing zone so the humans will not stay there; but this causes the ghosts to explode immediately, not after 10 seconds. Other than that, everything should be fine. These are issues that I will address when 343 has the fileshare system up, and I will repost this as a finished map in the Maps forum. Edit: I would like to add that I have played this map to make sure it is at least playable. I even had screenshots of the gameplay, but I could not find the game file with those screenshots on it, sadly.
Yes you can. Can you pass the flag? No. Can you still play tremors? Of course you can. You still work as a team to distract the tremors and carry on the flag if the carrier dies. Please leave constructive comments, not, "You can't do that." I will also note that the gametype gives players the hologram armor ability for another method of distracting the tremors. And as stated in the post, there is active camo that one player can get to help them sneak around.
I know how you can get around one honor rule: you can set a trait zone to have no vehicle usage, and set the team to blue. that way only the blue cannot enter vehicles, and the red team can never be hijacked.
Mhm, I realized that after reading some other thread, and I will update and repost this with that as well as a couple other fixes when the halo 4 maps section is opened. Thank you though!