SpaceCaged: Uncaged for Halo 4

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Lemonwilly, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. Lemonwilly

    Lemonwilly Promethean

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    've remade Uncaged from Reach, in Halo 4 Forge, and I've called it 'SpaceCaged' as I forged it in Impact, the space/lunar forge environment.

    Download and let me know what ye think! It's on my file share;

    GT: Lemonwilly
    Map: 'SpaceCaged'

    I have it set up for Red v Blue, up to 6v6 (preferably 4v4) and Infinity Slayer / Slayer game types only.

    It's Uncaged from Reach, set in space for Halo 4. The map looks entirely less preposterous now that it's in space... Because anything that's set in space is more realistic, that's simply logical. Took a good 5+ hours, it's a faithful piece by piece recreation, all dimensions and angles as good as possible!! Enjoy! :)
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Forgehub.

    oh jeez... *waits for flames* You see.. The Cage and its variants aren't very popular.. and neither are floating space maps... (put 2+2 together) Hopefully someone can make some constructive points... although people will also most likely complain about no pictures.. even though it's a remake. :p
  3. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    To each their own spin, don't be a **** toward people about it.

    Lemon I would wait until the fileshare system is up and running for halo 4 on waypoint and then show us pictures through that
  4. Naddox

    Naddox Promethean

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    Well I decided to check your version out since I have recreated The Cage from Reach myself and thought I would see how you went about doing certain things.

    Your replacement for the missing prop 'Glass Sail' isn't very appealing, you didn't add any of the kill zones, no safe zone, and I didn't see any respawn zones either along with there are barely any respawn points. I suggest checking out this video tutorial on doing spawns, or just replicating the spawns from Uncaged on Reach exactly.

    Halo 4 Forge Spawning Tutuorial

    And you left out alot of detailing, missed several railings, and added quite a few of your own little things.

    So in my opinion, its not really a remake of the map Uncaged, more of an inspired map of it.
  5. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    I actually really enjoyed Uncaged, but mostly for team snipers, it fit my roam and noscope strategy fairly well
    edit: by this I mean don't let the haters on the actual original bring you down, if its well done people like myself will enjoy it
  6. Lemonwilly

    Lemonwilly Promethean

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    I've left in all the detailing, there's no missed railings, there's nothing to replace the glass sail with, i've added literally nothing of my own things, apart from two obvious scenery elements, the spawning works fine and is balanced. I know how zones work, but they're not really required in this instance, as the respawn points work perfectly, and use neutral ones when required. It's for slayer only, it only needs so much. I've updated with kill zones. Although only jerks use areas where kill zones should be. And I can't post any pics until the file share is working properly. It uses identical pieces in all areas of the map. Apart from the glass sail only, which is not available. So yes, it is Uncaged, as it uses all the identical pieces. Thanks for your input anyway.

    I'm also well aware of how divisive Uncaged is, but it's still the favorite of many, for it's non-symmetry/asymmetry, it's line of sights, and the general flow... and the fact that it's impossible to camp down on, as long as you have a good solid team... you can counter the enemy team from multiple avenues... instead of typical camping on symmetrical/asymmetrical maps. So like it or lump it, that's your beef, not mine.

    The map works, and it's done piece by piece, faithfully to the original in Reach, and I like it's style, as do many others, that's all that matters.
  7. TK 509

    TK 509 Promethean

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    the map is absolutely terrible
    it's not to scale of the original caged map, you made your own version of the map un-caged
    itstead of figureing out safe zones you just placed the map at the very bottom of impact.

    instead of useing the walls of the already natural asteroids of the map, you again....made your own, and looks terrible

    you were in too big of a hurry with the map
    forge takes time, there is nothing you can do about it, i advise taking your time, doing things better
  8. Naddox

    Naddox Promethean

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    There is plenty of missing rails actually, you should look around the landing pad & at the bottom of the ramp coming off the main platform.

    You say there is nothing to replace the glass sail with yet you did replace it with something, and I didn't say that you need to use the glass sail (I know that 343i decided to not add this), I simply stated that the particular way you went about making a replacement does not look good.

    You say you only added 2 things, you added a lot more then 2 things. You added 4 lights, you added A LOT of the Station Core props & then you added 2 of the props that have the holograms in them, impact props. Below the main platform, where the landing pad connects, you used 4 4x4 corners to make that pad when in reality in Reach it is a Platform XL, which in Halo 4 was renamed to Cylinder Large. And then like TK above me said, you built your own wall when you could have simply saved some time and the players who play the map some FPS by using the side of the asteroids which work perfectly fine. The grav lift that comes from below up to the bridges does not have a ramp included in it on Reach but you felt the need to add one and it does not reach the bridge either. Not really sure as to why, but you also added another ramp within the upside down pyramid prop, on the side towards the tower, which looks horrible. There is more but I feel I covered my point on adding and changing things to your ways.

    The spawning may work fine but the fact remains that you were after building a replica of Uncaged from Reach and the spawning you did does not match that of the Reach version.

    You may have made if for slayer only, but the problem is Slayer is not side based but you made the spawning side based. Allowing spawn trapping/killing to be fairly easy, hence the need of better spawning.

    People that use certain areas where kill zones should be are not jerks. They are actually smart players that take a lazy developers laziness to their advantage to overtake the other team.

    This comment made me laugh, a lot.
    Camping down is actually very possible on this map, might be difficult, but very possible. And the odds of getting a good solid team are slim, like 2/10 times, possibly. Unless you're playing with friends.

    So yeah, I'll stick with what I said and this is not a remake but is an inspired map.

    And before you try and come back at me saying I don't know what I am talking about, I just want you to know that before I posted either of my comments, I opened your map, and uncaged on 2 different consoles & tvs, went side by side and compared them to check your accuracy. Maybe you should try doing the same thing.
  9. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    You should learn what a good map is like, because Cage sure as hell isn't one. I just don't get why people would want it back.
  10. TK 509

    TK 509 Promethean

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    it is a favored map, because it gives games a fast paced quick match, it's a desired map for game variants like swat
  11. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Unlike other people I actually liked your remake of "Caged".

    There obviously are improvements that could be made but honestly, This isn't halo reach and not every remake will play like the original from the game it was created.

    Anyways good job :)
    Not all feedback has to be negative


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