Hey Guys Im a first time forger, so be nice please This is Battery, Its a 4v4 slayer / 4v4 ctf asymmetric map. Here is my pretty poor attempt of a video, i think i zoom around too quickly. but i think you guys will get the idea. Map Battery - YouTube My Gamertag is Rocket Sam III if you want look at the video on Halo 4 file share. I think im going to need some peeps to test it soon
To be completely honest, this looks much more suited for a 1v1 or 2v2 given the size. I imagine it could use some more dancefloor on some of those outer walkways and building structures, as well as decreasing the height a little as some inclines seem very long and difficult to push up from. Also, I with the four corner design, I think the map would benefit from some counter crossmap lines of sight to encourage constant movement in those highly elevated corners. Do you plan on placing a power weapon in the center? If not, I would suggest doing that to get a more figure-8 flow to force encounters more often. I'll take a look at it today and see if there's anything else to add. Great job on your first map, much better than mine, hahaha.
As a first time forger, I honestly think you did well. Don't take the criticism to seriously from me though, as I do not forge competitive maps. But as I wan tell, it looks very guardian-Esq. Just the open middle with four pathways reminds me of it. And from experience, guardian played well.
Just a few things: 1) You've used mainly premade buildings in this map, which anyone on this site will slaughter you for. 2) You have loads of budget left to make the map look better and replace those pesky buildings with structures of your own design. Other than that it's a fair looking debut forge.
arggggghhh i wrote a fairly lengthy reply and it broke so this is an angry reply lol Thanks alot for your criticism, yeah i think it is too small for a 4v4, i think ill get rid of the two large bases either corner and make them out of seperate pieces instead, making them a little more fair (the same height and size) I didnt realize using pre made assets was a no no, im a proffesional level designer and we always get pre made assets, its then our job to lay them out in a way is designed best for gameplay and secondary the aesthetic. but i get what your saying, if everyone used them then all the forge maps would start to look the same. cheers any more criticism please go for it, im a big boy and i can take it lol
Criticizing your work is awkward, seeing as you do this for a living o.o but you definitely need to make your walkways wider, and add some intermittent cover, as the design you have right now would make it so that the buildings would be camped a lot. Moving from structure to structure leaves you very exposed, esp to grenade spamming and snipers. I feel that most of your fighting would take place in the area below the central structure, and this might cause mosh pit-esq gameplay
lol, i design race tracks so this is very different from what i do for my day job , i agree those inbuilt walk ways are okay for a small choke point bridge but i have constructed the whole map from them so its kind of tight. thanks
Most people in here like custom made buildings to express their creativity. Honestly, maps get boring when it's just a bunch of premades for each and every map. That's why Far Cry 2's editor lacks when it comes to structures, because it's a bunch of premades. (Even though FC2 maps look amazing because of the Terrain editor ) Just food for thought, I'm not an amazing forger Welcome to the site!
im not to good at forge or anything defffinatly not as good as ppl here but i would say make less of things of connecting random premade structures with default pieces.. just look at something you would see in real life or even another halo map and make ur own version is a godo thing to do
I was unable to check it out, but I did watch the video this time around My original point about dancefloor still stands, but beyond that, I think a lack of movement and options will be the primary problems. For example, looking at the overview, the top right base seems to be designed more like a stronghold that a player could effectively control through the entirety of the game. For the latter problem, the general design of the map is a circle with no countered but advantageous positions to be sought after, thus is the reason that encouraging movement through the center with a weapon would benefit, in my opinion. You could also take an approach like on Guardian with the main routes being a figure eight design and other means of transport to obstrue the intended flow, if that makes sense. In any case, add me on xbox. I'd be glad to help you test it out some time. GT: basketskate3
It's okay to use a few pre-made items, but not a lot. Also, a good thing to try is to not use them the way they were originally made. Flipping a bunker, round base makes a nice center piece that i prefer over the discs... [br][/br]Edited by merge: It looks pretty good for a first timer. Although i do agree there should be less bridges. Also, It is recommended that you post at least three pictures per map. That way we get a better idea of the map. On another note, you don't have to take a picture of your screen. I remember reading somewhere on how to use your in-game screenshots for threads. That way you can just take pictures with theater mode and use those on here. Hope it helps!
thanks for all of your input, I have sacked off this map as i agree with yall and think that the map is fundamentally flawed by the "Fortress" type pre made building. I have started a new one. should have a rough flow moc up by tonight i think. You lot have definitely helped me understand a little more about what works and what doesnt.