Hello everyone I just uploaded my remake of Uncaged, I renamed it to Genesis. I'm open to suggestions and critiques. Gamertag:hazardousr3ject
I'll attempt to take a gander. I may be too busy working on my map. Only the future and the bacon gods know.
Let the cage hatred flow. Seriously, why remake this? The map was awful. It's terrible layout led to nothing but camping 90% of the time. The other 10% was falling off the edge because you were cornered straight off of your spawn and would rather commit suicide than give the enemy a kill. The only time I can say I had FUN on this map is with jetpacks. And in H4 they aren't nearly as powerful as they were in Reach. Sorry, but in my opinion this was a bad map to remake.
This is honestly the best Cage / Uncaged remake I've seen. Which is why it has replaced the other version from my original "map pack" Video uploading of Map Pack #2 now