A buddy, Wolf Just, And I have recently taken akin to the SWAT mode once again, this time around making a map for it. You can find the map on my fileshare by searching my Gamertag Gamertag: Bond84kyll
That looks waaaaaaaay too open for a swat map. There needs to be more obstructions in the lines of sight.
Actually, a pal and I did some play testing. There are actually a LOT of corners and such to run and hide behind. Edit: That was however our first concern. The walls are high enough to make it an even playing field as well as the fact that most swat maps currently in play have 0 to no cover anyway.
Ah okay, hard to tell with the current pictures. Understandable why said pictures are why they are though. lol
Yea sadly enough I don't...exactly understand how the fileshare works for taking photos in theater and sending it over to my laptop. So I used my Iphone...
It looks like you've gone seriously overkill on the spawn points there :| And judging by the size of the spawn points in relation to the map, the map looks even smaller than Haven, with less obstruction and routes to run around? It looks like it'd struggle to support more than 2v2 honestly enough.