UPDATE: Halo 4 ScreenshotExtractor released Download Here originally posted by V3N3 Here EDIT: Added Tutorial Step 1: Take Screenshots In-Game Using Theatre Mode Step 2: Copy The Save Game Containing The Screenshot To A USB Flash Drive Step 3: Download http://www.xboxmb.com/horizon/ Step 4: Load Up Horizon, and Extract The Save File Step 5: Download and unrar Halo 4 ScreenshotExtractor Step 6: Go To Start Menu, type CMD into the search, which will bring up command prompt. then drag and drop "Halo4_ScreenshotExtract.exe" into the command prompt window, Drag and drop your extracted save next. make sure there is a space between them, it should look like this: Step 7: Press Enter key, If you did everything right your screenshot will have been extracted to the same location as your extracted save. A bit of work, but its worth it if your doing multiple screenshots at a time, didnt take me more than 10 minutes. your finished product will look like this:
1) is this legal? 2) does it require you to hack into your xbox360? 3) why not just take pictures with a camera until 343 gets their Fileshare up?
1) no idea 2) does not require a modded or hacked 360, simply copy your saved screenshots to a usb flash drive. 3) who could resist having the first crisp HD photos of halo 4 :happy:
Has anyone else tried this and can confirm it works? If so, this could be a great substitute for now, so thanks for the info!
what I was suggesting is that if this is indeed illegal, that everyone should resist until we can get official HD imaging abilities, and then Carter did what ever it is that he did.
I don't see why it would be illegal and even if it was, I'm sure Microsoft or 343i would care to prosecute something that may help give them more leeway in creating the fileshare system.
It worked fine for me, I added a tutorial to the original post. if you have any questions let me know.
Wow, seems legit.(sarcasm of course) I'm not trying to bring down what u got here but you don't even know if its legal or not. If it is this is great but if I had the game, I wouldn't use it until I could get confirmation.
Legal? Prob not but you wouldn't get caught anyways. 343i should of had the system online at launch. First title or not. You want all systems ready to go when you launch a game. I have a HD game capture and it can take screenshots so thats what I use.
I agree 343 should have had it ready at launch. But If it isn't legal it shouldn't be used HERE purely for the fact that forgehub is affiliated with 343.
Imo I don't think this is illegal, is using a capture card to take HD pictures illegal? seems like a grey area to me... there might be a legal issue with extracting save files, but I only think its illegal if you reverse engineer them for cheating, I.E. coping modded saves back onto your 360 and using them.
well sue me! :haha: I made a ton more HD Screens using this method, check them out at my map thread http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-forge-discussion/141967-remake-c-ss-fy_iceworld.html
Lol at all the people saying that it might be illegal. All you are doing is copying your picture file to an external harddrive, the reason you need to use horizon is because the file format cant be read normally, so you need horizon (or any other tool to do so) then you are simply extracting the actual image from the screenshot file.
Why would this be illegal? You're simply transferring an image file, most likely a .bmp since MS loves those so much, to a usb storage device and extracting it to your computer. The only reason you need Horizon is because Microsoft created an Xbox 360 only version of FAT called FATX and it allows your computer to read the content of the device. You could use Modio or Party Buffalo if you wanted to, all fine alternatives for exploring the FATX data structure. I wouldn't be surprised if the resulting image would actually be clearer than a Bungie.net/Halowaypoint one since they probably compress them to make the transfer quicker.
As long as their is no monetary gain from the service J4G3RM31ST3R is offering then it is perfectly legal. It is just transferring the image file onto an external drive then interpreting that image file with a program that can decode it.
It is legal. All you are doing is getting a file (screenshot) off your xbox, and turning it into a viewable format.