Howdy everyone! I'm Llama, and yes, I do enjoy llamas. I also enjoy making maps in forge, regardless of how well they turn out. I've seen people posting maps they've made in the past, so I suppose I'll do that at some point for my Reach maps, but for the time being I just want to say I'm excited to join this community because I'm always wanting people to help play test and give their opinions. I'll leave it at that and say thanks for having me!
If you like llamas.... You must like worllamas (See avatar <--- )! Anyways, welcome. Hopefully you will enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the hub Llama! I'm sure you will stay active. Oh BTW, Im ForgeWolf007, but you can just call me Wolf.
Since you're the Llama Avenger, does this mean you're going bring those involved in the Great Llamacide of '87 to justice? If so, you and me are going to have issues.
Thanks for all the welcomes, guys! I'm sure I'll find out who the true Ultimate Supreme Overlord is soon enough. In regards to my gamertag, TheLlamaAvenger, I like to think of it as a masked, crime fighting, superhero llama that has rather unfortunate timing and cannot prevent crime or murder, only avenge it. Also a cape. He has a cape.
You're very right. I am the True Ultimate Supreme Overlord of this here kingdomPotatohub. How does this cape work? Does it go around his neck? If so, does it constantly slip off to the side?
I envision the cape always acting as if it has a strong breeze blowing it back majestically even when there is no wind. It's a magic cape, I guess.