Return of the Challengers (Co-op Puzzle) I've started my first Halo 4 Puzzle! Every once and a while I will be posting different screenshots here. The screenshots can be found below. (12/11/12) Screenshot 1: Spawn (12/11/12) Screenshot 2: First Challenge (12/11/12) Screenshot 3: Outside view. (21/11/12) Screenshot 4: Map Thumbnail (Could still change) (21/11/12) Screenshot 5: Look at that Mantis! (21/11/12) Screenshot 6: Checkpoint More images coming soon...
Haha! About time you did more of these! Please say it's Co-Op. I'd love to make you another walkthrough.
I might actually need testers, I've ony got one tester... By the way, this map will probably not be released for some weeks, I just want you guys to know I'm making a puzzle in Halo 4.
I've added two easter eggs to the puzzle, not the best hiding spots but oh well, it should still be fun to try to find. When the map is out, and both easter eggs are found I'll make a tutorial on how to find them...
Hehe, shouldn't be too long... If I can get more ideas in my head. ;D Edited by merge: If anybody has a basic idea for a challenge please tell me, Ill advance the challenge by adding different things to it. Im running low on ideas for challenges.
Well some food for though is when walking through a killball and using a hardlight shield it will not kill you. Thought that was interesting and maybe something you could incorporate into your map. I never really played on these type of maps, spare the rare exception of where people invited me. Still the map looks nice and look forward to its release. Good luck with the map.
Sounds interesting. If its for the flood gametype though I probably wouldn't be able to add it, as these maps use gametypes such as oddball, KOTH and CTF. Thanks for telling me about it though.
great to hear another guy making a puzzle map, mine is almost finished but ill keep everything secret for now mwahahahaha
I love (and suck horribly at) puzzle and skill maps. I'm game for any testing or whatnot you need. At all. Haha good luck finishing!
Testing may be an option, as I havn't got enough friends to test with. Thankyou, I hope I can release it soon so the wait isn't too long :]
Hey Juggacly im a huge fan of puzzle maps and have been since Halo 3. I think I could offer some advice as well wouldnt mind testing it out.
By advice do you mean challenge ideas? If so, please do help :} I've currently put the map postpone for awhile, I'm working on a Reflection/Ivory Tower remake, but when I get back to the map I may ask you for testing