I Ask You For Help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MSniperX, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. MSniperX

    MSniperX Forerunner

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    Hello Forgers,

    I ask you for your help. I'm currently remaking my Reach map Valkarie in Halo 4. Some of the comments were that it needed more of a "dance floor" for battles because most of it is walkways. I need help making a this "dance floor" on the bottom section of my map.

    Another thing is that in Reach, while making the map, it became slightly uneven. The walkways didn't match between bases. It's already starting to be off a little and I want to kill it before it gets out of hand.

    And last but not least I need help eliminating z-fighting and using the most efficient way to connect platforms and walkways.

    You who are excellent forgers I ask for your help. You know who you are. Please message me on here or send a message over Xbox LIVE to MSniperX.
  2. ToXiC SPlaTTeRz

    ToXiC SPlaTTeRz Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i can help you but i hope my timezone will fit
  3. MSniperX

    MSniperX Forerunner

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    I'm central standard time zone. But if you're not in the Weatern Hemisphere, we can work something out.
  4. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I am not a very excellent forger, but you can hit me up and I'll do all I can to help, my GT is mackjr1234 and I am in the Eastern Time Zone.. just an hour ahead of you, I should be able to help on weekends and maybe an hour or two on some of the weekdays.. not sure how much of a help I'll be though, but I'll try..

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