halo 1 with 3 shot magnum was a beast game who wishes another halo game is as beast as that halo 1? halo 4 just adoesnt cut it
you might want to try spell check, and review your sentence structure. :\ Tbh, HCE's multiplayer was great, apart from the OP pistol (which was fun, but not for competitive players) Halo 4 is ok-ish, but I think I will probably spend most of my time working around the new broken forge mode.
Halo 4 has brought it for me. I still love Halo CE, 2 and 3 but Halo 4 MP has me captivated. Who wishes Halo Anniversary had the right multiplayer
how is it not good for competition? u can 1v4 with halo 1 pistol it took skill dont hate pretty sure it was the most mlg halo next to halo 2
Ermagehrd MLG tryhard alert. But srsly. Dat Halo 1 pistol was like a sniper, glad they toned it down.
Made my day But I have to agree with your point. The halo ce pistol was highly competitive since it increased the skill gap between a experienced player and a newer player a lot. The Halo 2 multiplayer is still my favorite one though.
not to be a hell raiser, but your grammar is atrocious. I personally liked the HCE pistol, but I know many people who would say otherwise. No matter how fun it may be, the base issue was that the pistol was far overpowered Being semi-automatic, having a zoom scope, and being able to kill people in 3 shots were a bit much for what was supposed to be a sidearm.
Eeeeerm, wut? CE is generally appreciated as the most competitive of the series in terms of basic mechanics amongst the competitive community. Many prefer Halo 2 since it was arguably more suited for 4v4, but 2v2 CE is hailed by many as the holy grail of competitive Halo.