I'm looking for seven other guys that are looking to playtest an alpha stage map. I have a simple symmetrical map that I'm looking for suggestions for improvement and placement of weapons and player spawns. If u have a playable balanced 4v4 sized map you need to get feedback on please post here or send me a FR on XBL Gamertag: AnotherClaymore I'm hoping to meet up tonite after work about 5pm cst
GT Whos Blaze I can help for sure. I've got 2 in my fileshare that I'd liek to test myself. I can't add you till later. Feel free to add me but send a message on there telling me who yyou are please. Incentive. : Symmetrical for fans of The pit, Elongation and Epitaph. Prodigy. : Asymmetrical for fans of Hang 'em high, High grounds and Complex.
GT: PA1NTS I might not be home around that time. But I have a 4v4 that's really fun to play infinity slayer on. Search my file share, search for the map: Pumphouse. It's a pretty large map. It has a layout similar to Boardwalk or High Ground, but the aesthetics remind me of complex. Let me know what you think if you play it?
I cleared some more room on my FL. Ill be online later as well, so if 5 don't work we'll still hook up a play test lobby when ever we get a full room tonite. Look'n forward to play testing your maps and giving some constructive feedback
I myself have a 4v4 that is ready to be tested and I am more than willing to help test others. Hopefully to see you later tonight.