Easiest campaign (No spoilers)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TDT Duke Nukem, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    definitely more linear, the doors seal behind you, and most of the campaign is you following a twisting path to get to a room directly in front of you.
  2. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    I blew through Legendary first try in 5 hours, 4 minutes. I think I died more times on the Starfox part than I did the entire rest of the campaign combined.
  3. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I also did that after dying 5 times.. Splattered the elite first though, and then went for the ground attack, after destroying all cores i took the banshee and quickly flew over to teleport to the next area. Went by pretty fast.
    And this campaign is defenitly more linear, no doubt.
  4. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    This is literally every halo game made. For the most part however, halo 4 I thought did a great job creating some open space to go about a battle in many different ways. Sure to progress through the story you had to follow linear steps but again, every halo is that way.
  5. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Don't see why campaign would be exempt from copying things from CoD.

    I haven't beat it yet, I started it on legendary with thunderstorm skull on and is pretty easy so far.

    The Prometheans where actually easier for me then elites........., Elites kill me ~4shots Prometheans take like ~10 (I'm guessing from memory) and idk how promethean shield/health works but they seem to have slower shield/health regen then elites.(maybe its just they do less damage so I'm able to do more damage with less risk, feeling like they have less regen)

    But can't really compare the games yet because played 3 and Reach SoloLegendaryAllSkullsOn for so long could just be because I'm playing Halo 4 not SLASO it feels easy to me, Might jump to "Halo 3 SLASO cortana" level" difficulty on SLASO.
    #25 WWWilliam, Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2012
  6. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    Halo 2 was and always will be the hardest Legendary for me, and Halo 3 is still the easiest.

    I would place Halo 4 on par with Reach. Grunts and Crawlers seem to drop a lot faster than they should, and it makes levels fly by.
  7. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I think you could say I'm a decent Halo Player (lvl 39 in Halo 2, 50 in Halo 3, **** Reach) .. but for some reason I've always struggled with campaign in legendary or even heroic .. I never finished a Halo game on legendary so far, I'm currently trying to beat the second level in Halo 4 ..
  8. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Good luck at least, you can try to co-op with someone. Halo 4 legendary requires some patience, and tactics. Hope you can complete it :)
  9. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    I just beat the game on normal and the final mission was some what of a *****, ON NORMAL. I can't even imagine what I'm about to get myself into when I start it again on Legendary...
  10. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Yeah, but the ending mission is really hard. Expect pain and frustration from Hunters (On a level, where they come out of the grav lifts, it gets really hard), crawlers with binary (Easy to take out, but they kill you in on hit) Incerator Prometheans..
  11. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Since you using multiplayer as the bases of been good at Halo, That may be why you can't beat it.

    Multiplayer strafing/4shotting/twitch skills/every enemy same health/height/etc, Isn't the primary skill set needed to beat campaign. 5 shotting a spartan before he kills you=/=shooting 5 crawlers in the head while there running on walls and floor before they kill you.

    Ammo conservation/Foresight/Understanding Enemy AI,health,damage/Planning your route(which enemy's to kill when and how/which path gives what cover etc)

    Those are the main skillsets for campaign.
    Stuff like Picking up a pistol/boltshot to kill grunts/crawlers so don't waste ammo of other weapons then dropping it back down after there dead, Not wasting any PP/Needler ammo as that's the easiest way to beat elites, Not using any power weapons unless absolutely needed.(I've carried power weapons though whole missions without ever using there ammo, Because was my first play though didn't know the missons to know when to use it)But point of that is you have a rocket launcher you just drop for other weapon kill things then pick up rocket launcher again after right to drop in next fight. So if you ever come across a spot you can't kill normally you have rocket launcher. (I had a railgun for a whole mission only used it once to kill a freaking Promethean sniper one shotting me all freaking time) but once you know missions you can use power weapons at the hard fights and get though it easy.
  12. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
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    I played through heroic on my first go and it felt significantly harder than Reach or Halo 3 on those difficulties, which I just replayed the other day. It also took me about the same amount of time if not longer.
  13. TDT Duke Nukem

    TDT Duke Nukem Ancient
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    I've started my solo playthrough. I took some inspiration from the challenges and turned some skulls on and for me it was the way to go. Still the missions feel shorter/smaller, I don't really mind it.

    In Halo CE, 2, and 3, didn't missions cover more ground?

    Increased difficulty has added reason to explore the environments which is adding nostalgia that has been missing since Halo 2. I never took the time to notice how many weapons were scattered around the crashsite on Requiem. I found AR's, pistols, generic covvy weapons, 2 fuel rod cannons, a full BR crate and lastly a SAW. And many hidden, dying, covenant.

    The AI seems dumb at times, but overall they act smart. For example, I took cover behind a rock and the Elite started roaming along a set path and wouldn't dare come at me behind the rock, unless I made him berserk. He loses interest in seconds and then I assassinated him. The AI immerses me when I watch Grunt behavior while I pick them off from a far. Haven't fought any Hunters or Prometheans yet, so that should be interesting.

    Not really talking about the campaign anymore, am I...

    - Enemy resistances and weaknesses are increased.

    Does weaknesses are increased mean exploits are more effective? This is what I thought it meant, but Elite and Jackal shields are shrugging off multiple PP overcharges. So now I'm thinking it means they are just beefier in general or IDK what's super-effective anymore. I should mention that Mythic and Thunderstorm are also on. Can anyone be a dear and clarify for me?
  14. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I'd say this isn't the easiest, but maybe a shade easier than some parts of reach. Just depends on what mission and what weapons you have. I honestly thought the halo 3 campaign was pretty easy, but then I never attempted solo. I did get the solo achievement for reach, so maybe that's why I'm remembering it being so hard.

    The prometheans all seem pretty easy to kill, the knights are a bit difficult though. Esepcially when they show up in numbers
  15. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Prepare for the hunters on the 6th mission, if you dont save an power weapon you are going to have an very, very hard time. And a scattershot wont bring them down.
  16. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    There should be a elite with a fuel rod just before that fight, Few grenades and fuel rod kills one of them easy (legendary with skull on) depending if you wasted the plasma grenades before hand should be tons of plasma grenades from grunts along path can easily go back pickup and there is at least 5 plasma's on platform where hunter is. Or just dodge his punch's and shoot him in the back.

    I wish hunters where as hard as i remember them been in halo 2 (idk if actually hard or just i sucked then)
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    They weren't really that different at all. Partly it's just getting used to how they behave, knowing their weaknesses when they are exposed, and knowing what weapons are and are not effective against them. And of course, just getting better at the game.
  18. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Forerunner

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    I remember the time I wasted all my ammo repeatedly trying to headshot them. I killed one. There were five.
  19. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I don't think 343i knows what 'scaling based on player count' is. Co-op is really, really easy IMO, especially with 3-4 players.

    Even solo TBH I don't find all that bad, though I'm only about halfway through with that run. I mean, I killed 2 hunters in 3 sword swings. I was so confused when I emptied a clip of AR into an Elite and it actually died before I reloaded once. I thought I loaded the wrong difficulty. I did get stuck for a while on some parts, but not nearly as much as the main trilogy. I don't know how much of it is experience, but I don't think that's all there is to it; it certainly feels easier to me.
  20. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    Was doing it on co-op earlier and I noticed something.

    There are a lot of areas, like elevators and grav lifts, that will randomly kill whoever doesn't get in first. (Or, alternatively, one in the Infinity mission you get in with the Mantis. I was in a mongoose and it exploded as soon as the elevator started up.)

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