
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Cryptic Ferret, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. Cryptic Ferret

    Cryptic Ferret Promethean

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    Halo 4: Oddball on Logic v1 - Magic Hands Medal! - YouTube

    Halo 4 Logic v1.1 - YouTube

    Hey guys. I have a 4v4 map that supports slayer, ctf, oddball, and koth. It's a simple design and plays great. Hope you check it out. GT- Cryptic Ferret

    I updated it a little since the video. Leveled everything out a little and put a couple walls up on the bridges for grenade bounces.

    If you don't like MLG, don't look at this. I don't want opinions from a casual or btb viewpoint, more from a pro view. It's expected that people on this map have the skills to make quick maneuvers and 5 shot. It's built with speed and efficiency in mind. The top middle is built with decent cover, but not too much. Above is a bridge on each side to watch over the ring. Obviously many long corridors and open spaces, these make for interesting team battles. Will glady accept constructive criticism but if you are just negative and rude then go %*(^ yourself, seriously. Too many negative self-proclaimed gods on this forum. Where do you nice people hide?

    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

    Can't get imbedding to work..

    The map has two opposing bases, two high bridges by each base, a two story middle ring, and many corridors with long sights. Feel free to check it out and give me some feedback.

    Here's a link to a youtube video of the map:

    VID 20121111 001100 - YouTube

    Edited by merge:


    Edited by merge:

    Anybody want to playtest this map and one of your own, if you have one, later on tonight?
    #1 Cryptic Ferret, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  2. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looking at it, it has to much cover too the point where long range encounters become a frustrating game of hide and seek. Punish players for going into the open, too much cover and it's just cluttered.
  3. Cryptic Ferret

    Cryptic Ferret Promethean

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    That's a very untrue statement. You forget that sprint is now in this game. You can spring across any open gap in less than 2 seconds. As for too much cover, the only places with a lot of cover are places where you wouldn't have a good shot, either, making the cover impossible to camp in. You obviously don't like maps unless it's huge and there are shield doors, man cannons, random things everywhere to hide behind, and rocket launchers. Nah, I'm just kidding. But seriously, actually play it if you are going to leave a comment like the one you did.

    p.s. Htf is it cluttered AND too open? It's clean as can be. Beats any of your maps. Stop being jealous.
    #3 Cryptic Ferret, Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2012
  4. ZServ

    ZServ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whoa, man. No need to get so defensively hostile. It's an opinion. You posted your map here-- you opened the door to criticism. If you lash out at people for having an opinion, you're just asking for no one to try your map. While I agree people should download a map and try it before they knock it, that's not how forgehub works. There will always be "that guy."
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    A couple things, and I'm not even sure if I should post because it might add fuel to the flames.. but I'll do it anyway.

    First off, I'm not a fan of your inclusion of pulse grenades. Those tend to allow people to hide in buildings and block off entrances while regaining shields and also to slow down play in general.

    Secondly, (and this is somewhat of a question) it seems that you've used ordnance for your power weapons. Does regular drop-spawning work, and if so, do drop spawned weapons not have indicators over their heads? For an MLG map, true answers for both would be very helpful - they increase the learning curve of the map and also prevent people from recognizing when an enemy is at a certain position with a certain weapon because the indicator has disappeared.
  6. ZServ

    ZServ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You can regular drop-spawn. No indicator.
  7. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
    Senior Member

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    There were not any flames here the creator was joking with him lol. Could have been pulled off better though. Map has potential but it needs work.
  8. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    Map looks decent, ill download and play tonite.

    I also have a simple 4v4 symmetrical map that I need to test if you want to get together hit me up on xbl, gamertag: AnotherClaymore
  9. ChondoMLG

    ChondoMLG Promethean

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    I am a hardcore MLG Competitor, let me give you good inputs, and bad inputs (from my opinion/perspective)

    *Good Inputs

    Top/Bottom (2 Levels to map)
    Great for DMR/BR/Carbine Usage mainly.

    **Bad Inputs

    Sniper (map is just to small)
    Only 2 levels (this is good/bad for competitive game-play)
    Doesn't seem there's a lot of things to hide behind in middle of map.


    There should be no sniper, only DMR/BR/Carbine (very competitive with skill)
    Map reminds me of MLG Amplified a little bit from Halo 3, but bigger.
    Nice Bases.
    Needs more things to hide behind in the front of the bases.

    Coming from a person who has competed in many tournaments, a lot of Game battles, I suggest you fix some stuff. I do like this map, my rating is a 7/10.
  10. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    only thing I can say is that your base level needs height variation

    it reduces the need for so much cover, and makes long range fighting less frustrating
  11. Cryptic Ferret

    Cryptic Ferret Promethean

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    Thanks, Chondo. I can't figure out how to get regular weapon spawns to work. I put them on my sanc remake but the wouldn't show up when I went to play it. I'll take out snipe, move a couple spawns, not sure what to do about area in front of bases because it actually plays out really nice in 4v4's. I'll still add something though. Just don't want to "clutter" it up. Pulse grenade comment noted as well.
  12. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Cool. Sorry about the flames thing, I had no idea you guys knew each other. Emotion doesn't transmit very well on the internet..
  13. Cryptic Ferret

    Cryptic Ferret Promethean

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    Things changed:

    Replaces sniper with overshield
    moved initial spawns
    added a little more cover on the base bridges, along with walls behind it so you can nade them if they camp there
    replaced baricades with two crates to give you more coverage from different angles
    added extended floor off the bridge near the base so you could make the jump to the high bridge
    Couple other changes.. I'll try to get a video up later, with gameplay and all.

    Edited by merge:

    Lol.. Nah I can just be a jerk once in a great while. I was extremely tired when I posted that. Passed out approximately one minute after.

    Edited by merge:

    Made some major changes to this map. You guys will like what I have done to it.

    pre update: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EgJu5gwxnY&feature=plcp[/media]

    post update: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56E6ZDLe7KI[/media] (don't think the video is working yet)
    #13 Cryptic Ferret, Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012

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