WoW! I have downloaded this and it is so kwl i luv doin this on call of duty 4 but doing it on my favorite game has just blown me away. I would live to see what other stuff you could make. Maybe as a request from me maybe u coulld make mile high on foundry and the game varient could be king of hill that would be kwl. can w8 2 see wht u do soon
Yeah ok mate ill give it a shot, sounds like it would be fun to make. i need to get my copy of COD4 back and when i do ill make a start on it. EDIT so as to not double post: i got a new copy od COD4 today so ill try to make a start on it soon, add me if u want to join in and help in the creation (GT: TEC Spartan)
Does anyone want to help me work on other COD4 Maps or anything in particular? send me a pm or game message and well get started ASAP
Maybe you should have put fusion coils so you can know if you actually did hit the target but overall a good map.
Thanx for the compliments guys, i would have started work on my new map by now but sadly i RROD'ed and the status code is bad..... R.I.P Xbox 360 - Serial Number: 100110110113371100 will be back on the 360 in a few weeks...hopefully
I think i've made a map that rivals yours. Hey, BTW i've just made a FNG timetrial map that includes the timetrial part, the hanger doors, the armory, the shooting range, a functional ladder and it also includes almost no honor rules. I made it from scratch using a money glitch and i made it so that you have to shoot each target to progress to the next room. I've also marked the doors where you have to throw a flash(spike grenade) to enter the door or else you can't go through. It's possible to use fusion coils.
wow this is great, although the flares do last a bit longer than a flashbang it's still awesome all the same!