This is my second map. Made by Etgamer114{gamertag and forgehub user name} and gorefreak1995{Gamertag}. This unique map for team king gametypes is avaliable for download.It has two bases which are exactly the same, so no team has a unfair disadvantage. Base A Base B The Hill has distinct and unique weapons, ensuring it will be easily defended. When killed the other team respawns at the other side,so there is no advantage. The Hill has many disadvantages as well, ensuring there is no boredom. One of these disadvantages are the Fusion Coils, that tend to blow up! The Hill This is one of the only king of the hill maps on forgehub at the moment, so if you are starting to get bored, give it a try. If you know how i could improve this map, please send me a message.
This map is good but it tricked me cuz there is the MLG Onslaught and i thought some one was posting that
Welcome to forgehub. This looks like a very well made and planned out map. Ill try it out before i give a full review. I personally think you should maybe change the name, since onslaught is already the name of a highly popular map
i hope that there is a back up spawn area to pervent spawn camping for example i take power weapons from the hill and go into the other teams spawn point
Good first post, I think some interlocking in the second pic would make it better. The roof isn't straight, but that's just me I've never seen a map centered around KoTH before
I agree, when I saw the name, I thought "WHy is onslaught in casual maps?" If you dont know, Onslaught is a foundry variant used by MLG.
I made it with him.There are battle rifles and nedllers and a shotgun+a machine gun turret.Every body give him reputation points because he was really nice to me and he showed me how to forge.