So I don't have the money right now to buy Halo 4 but i've been hearing some unpleasent news about the game already. I loved Halo reach forge, but i heard that there is no forge world in 4, even though i saw the trailer titled halo 4"forge world". Is forge anything like reach forge? Are the maps any good? I heard they were really small. Is it true that there are no unsc air vehicles? Is the campaign any good? What is multiplayer like? Is it that comparable to cod? What would you say?
buy it if you want to, overall it is a good game, just be wary of multiplayer. a)the maps are effing huge, making anything less than 4v4 impractical b) there are no UNSC vehicles, however, they may be available in a later DLC c)campaign is fun, but in my opinion, you could obviously tell where they cut stuff out d)multiplayer is a bit rough, there are no insta-kills like in cod, but it's close I'll split (d) into subsections: -the maps have collision map holes that are commonly taken advantage of, and make games frustrating -abandoned is almost completely broken for anything other than flood -loadouts make things unbalanced, so that's a copy+paste from COD -insta-respawn is okish -gameplay is fast, not as fast as COD, but close -removal of hit and KIA markers for team mates -classic CTF is broken -many gametypes removed -forge is trickier than in reach
To each his own. There are some problems, but I personally like the game quite a bit as most aspects can be adapted to. It seems people are more prone to only seeing negative things about the game around here recently, hahaha. I would say save the money and rent the game later. If you like what you play, pick up a copy. Haven is fantastic, Ragnorak and complex are pretty cool, the rest are so-so. Campaign is amazing so long as your not picky about every little thing. SJ summed up the multiplayer although I think the new CTF is ok.
Fast gameplay isn't the same as fast and easy. CoD has low minimum kill times, but it also has low average kill times, which is what (imo) is wrong with it. CE had minimum kill times (with the Pistol, for example) much lower than any game in the series since then, yet they weren't easy to get. Shooting in Halo 4 could be a little bit more difficult, but overall it's not bad for a Halo game, and certainly nowhere near the level of CoD.
1) There are no unsc flying vehicles. 2) I did not notice any problems with the campaign and as always with a new halo its one of the best fps campaigns to date. 3)i've played a lot of multiplayer so far and have yet to notice what is unbalanced about the loadouts and enough with the cod **** the game feels and looks nothing like cod. Just because 343 implemented a feature common to all fps's, not just cod, does not mean it copied cod. 4) haven't played ctf yet but are you talking about the new flag carrier traits? 5)There will be updates in the near future that will open up new playlists that were common in past games. (such as swat) 6) As long as you just use coordinate editing you can forge just as accurately with the exception of certain pieces not lining up. Regardless of what flaws you find in forge if your talented at forge and have a good feel for the game you can still make a great map. I don't know why SilentJacket seems so off-put by the game but whatever buy the game its amazing and is definitely a step forward for halo
personal opinion, and I meant perks yeah, overall it is a good game, but I just pick out things that could be better
No son you're grounded. Now quit asking. (Don't depend on what others think. Seriously never depend on others' opinions. Research the game and decide for yourself, based on what you like to play in halo.)
I think the multiplayer in Halo 4 is amazing in comparison to Reach but I guess if you liked Reach, you might disagree. I think the Armor Abilities, Perks and all of that is pretty balanced now and I don't have many complaints about it -- most of them are just used as a means to get to or find a gunfight. If you liked to forge in Halo Reach, you will like some of the new features in Halo 4. However, there are some bugs like dynamic lighting disappearing after you spend X amount of monies. Also, precision editing is gone. This could be considered his research...
I can give you info, But i can't tell you if you should buy it, Its up to you if you think its worth $60 for whatever your reasons. -The forge is pretty bad IMO, About the same features there was in Reach (added a few like magnets took away a few like precision movement) but the maps are small and full of undeletable intrusive terrain and buildings and the custom game options are horrible (very limiting and some of the options that are there don't even work) and you can't have a forge without a map and a custom game options so that ruins the forge imo. -Maps good? IMO Not really. There all really small even though there "BTB" maps everyone has sprint and there is grav lifts and teleporters everywhere so there pretty small actually, which adds to making vehicles pretty weak. -Campaign is pretty fun specially some parts i was like :O! but i started it on legendary with skull on(enemy are higher rank one) and found it easy soo if you mean challenging no, I just liked it caus Im a halo nerd and likes the story line. -Not really comparable to cod. It has a lot of cod mechanics but its still the same halo BR/strafing/grenade gameplay. I think of it as a halo spin off (like halo wars but instead of RTS its a COD style FPS)
I never not watch a movie because someone said they didn't like it. Base your decision off of what you see, not what you hear.
Buy. Buy it now. Spend all millions of your monnies on halo 4. Its the best. --Better than MOST CoD's (granted CoD4 was the ****) --Abandoned Is NOT broken, and has a lot of potential to be considered "one of the classic's --Loadouts make it unfair but the matchmaking pairs you with people of your rank so it makes up for that. --Forge is meh compared to Reach, its better in some ways but i generally like reaches better. --There are 3 forge maps that give you about as much space as Reache's fissure
Narfidy, please stop mouthing other people. I believe "one of the classics" was from Bravo's Youtube, and in the first place it's Abandon. Not really sure why it should be an accomplishment for a dev map NOT to be broken, too. Loadouts: What? That makes absolutely no sense. Why would playing with people of the same rank balance loadouts? OP loadouts = people get kills easier.. Not sure what you're trying to say. Fissure: Canyon? As for the OP: I would buy Halo 4 if you're looking to enjoy the campaign or multiplayer, but not if your focus will be on forge and custom games.
Yes. It's a great game and everyone is playing it. The other day I signed on, 18 of my friends were online. 18 of them were playing halo 4... I can't remember the last time that happened, even on a launch date. Don't miss out. I'm not sure what they meant about the "being wary of multiplayer"- the first game I played was a breeze, I had fun, didn't really get stomped on even though all I had no weapons unlocked. I think a lot of disappointment comes from too high an expectation. I didn't expect anything from this game but a box full of fun, and it's satisfied that. I get sick of people complaining with every new halo game about the fact that they didn't include or improve every feature from the last game. They always seemed surprised, yet it happens every single game. Don't get me wrong, I miss things too.... from halo 3 to reach, and now from reach to halo 4. I'm missing the size and scope of forgeworld, and firefight, and other things. There is always a learning curve where you get used to the new rules, and a nostalgic feeling of missing the way it just was. The bottom line: the campaign is amazing, chief is back, the multiplayer seems new and refreshing while still feeling like halo. One new vehicle in MM, a few new ones in campaign. An entire new race of enemies to fight, and all of their weapons to try out. New armor abilities, no armor lock. IMO, if you are a fan of halo at all, you should buy it. It's worth the money.