Halo 4 Forge Maps - Guardian - YouTube Completed, in my fileshare. Feels really solid on Slayer Pro. Infinity slayer is a little crazy. The instant respawns make it a little faster paced on the whole. Created a custom team slayer variant to go with it. Fileshare.
The pictures look good so far. If you can upload it to your file share please. I uploaded my Narrows Remake to my fileshare and that way you can share your map with other forgers until 343 fixes their file browser.
I take it this is your entry to the Foreign Treasures contest? Based on the pictures that you provided, I'm really loving the look of it so far. Hopefully the gameplay is as good as I'm expecting it to be. Nice job, TSB.
I actually made it, completed it and was starting to test it before I even heard about the contest. I will be entering though.
Ooooh you finally revealed this bad boy! Looks really accurate from the pics. I'm trusting by the short amount of time this took you that I'll have enough time to build a my remake map before the year is over. I'm still going to start ASAP though.
Nice location, Invite me to a few games if you need help testing, looks like fun. What did you use to make the center structure?
It's 4 bridge corners overturned with a glass piece over the top of them. The glass piece is an impact only piece.
felt really good on slayer pro when we tested earlier. looking forward to the final release man... nicely done as usual. on the other hand, infinity slayer definitely felt 100% broken and crappy. imo, classic remakes will have to be slayer pro only.
I'm going to really push my Team Slayer Classic gametype. Slayer pro is great, but it doesn't allow weapons to spawn on the map as normal, and thus, major map flow will change and things will be bland without weapons on the map. But thanks dude. I'm just trying to clear up a few little things and add the other gametypes onto the map and I'll put it in my fileshare.
It's looking very good Tsb. Is the map built to scale or downsized to fit H4 pieces? From the pictures shown, I can't really tell if the tree that obstructs top mid/gold from Elbow which forms as part of a tunnel with the back trees... do you have the Rock placed in between Mid/Green/Elbow?
Looks good. Are you planning on putting rocks in place of where the trees blocked line of view? I would also suggest only using one core at the top, 2 will kill you from a mile away. -_- If you want to use mt "Real Slay" Gametype for it, feel free. It's weapons on map, no ordinance drop killstreaks. Built off of slayer pro. Feels pretty good for classicly forged maps. And I almost forgot... Are all jumps added into the map? If not, I'm definitely willing to come in and help you out with them. Jumps like Gold1-Gold2 etc, without using the lift was key in this map and I would hate to see that ruin it.
Yeah, I was going to ask what you used to make the center platform, because it looks very nice. Good luck to you in the contest- Looks like a very solid remake.
Jumps and lines of sight are still being tweaked. It's pretty much all that is left to do. The map has been minorly scaled UP due to the size change of H4's pieces and sprint. You can hardly tell. It feels really good when you're on it. The only thing that hurts it in my opinion is the instant respawn. Sets the pace mildly too fast for my taste, but it still plays nice.
Ok. If you need any help with the jumps. You know how to find me. And if you want another tester. It looks like the circle cap piece, not sure what it's called, with bridge corners mediums around the outsides. Whatever they are called. Haha
I'm not going to worry about the stupid pointless jumps that lead to out of play-spaces, just ones like S1 to S2, Gold 1 to Gold 2, etc.
Yeah yeah. Those are the ones I meant. G1-G2, the ledge above camo, Bottom mid lift to center, s1-s2, bottom blue window-blue window, s2 door way-s3, Blue room-top mid, elbow-s1 are the few i can think that are commonly used in almost ever match.
Please please please reference the original and get the scaling perfect. I trust you to do this TSB, but a lot of people think "Oh I remember the original well enough I don't need to look at it" Then the scaling is wrong and it never feels right to me. I know most people don't care, but man I do.
I understand the need to feel like you're on the actual map, and I've done all I can to make sure it feels that way, but going back to the original, it's much smaller than from memory. I had to upscale everything just a little bit for it to feel playable in this one. It feels good. I promise.