I spent all day today creating an infection or "flood" map as it's now called. When I finished I went straight to creating the gametype. It was very important to me to be able to create at least one custom loadout for the flood so I could give them an armor ability. I could not find that. I then tried to simply spawn armor abilities near their secluded initial spawn. They couldn't pick it up and you can't edit the options to let them do so. My question is: Is there any way to make a custom loadout for the flood or let them use armor abilities? Thank you!
As far as i have herd they completely removed the ability for flood to have weapons use other armour abilities ect. Its really bad but i hope they will fix it.
Don't think you can customize their weapons, armor abilities, or even give them loadouts. 343/Certain Affinity really dropped the ball with customs...
Yeah it's a joke that they took all these options out. We need to keep nagging them to fix the game with an update.