I've just came up with a Gametype idea that could work with a particular map. You would have a small circular or squre mp with several weapons surrounding a central platform. This platform will have 1-3 random Orbindence drops on it. The surrounding area will have BRs, DMRs etc and players start off with an Assault Rifle and are spread into 2-4 teams. The players would fight around the platform fighting for different position around the map. Every 1-2 minutes, an piece of ordinance will be dropped, which could be nothing from a pistol to a BR to a Railgun. This can allow for hectic games. It would proberly be 4v4 or 2v2v2v2 gameplay. Seem like a good Idea?
could e fun i guess just make sure the map looks nice cause u dont need a lot of money to make that and u can use it on aestatics?
Mmmm sounds like a reach mini game I made called claustrophobic. (not posted on Forge Hub) In an area no bigger than a 5x5 flat, It was a king of the hill hammer fest. This sound like that with more guns And I am NOT saying that is a bad thing