So when it comes to games, nostalgia is a pretty damn strong force in dictating what I feel like playing. Recently that has shoved my mind into a hole that can only be escaped by filling it. The problem is the game in question (Oregon Trail 3rd edition) has 16-bit components, which Windows 7 x64 does not support. What do I need? The less third party software the better, and I don't want a dual-boot or anything involving a full install of an old OS.
Well the annoying bit is everybody plays either the original on a dos emulator or oregon trail II. I feel like I was the only kid that played 3...
Try this. I've never actually used it, but I think it runs some kind of XP virtual machine to allow for compatibility. Might help you.
My Caesar III works fine on Win7 x64 Right click on your desktop > Screen Resolution > Advanced Settings > Monitor > Colours dropdown.
Has nothing to do with screen resolution, its windows x64 not being compatible with any 16 bit programs...
Use DOSBOX with the ScummVM for sound replication. I've had a pretty high success rate for old old old games ... I run W7 x64 Pro.
DOSBOX? That could probably run the game but its installing that gives trouble Huh... I guess I'll give it a shot... That is incredibly vague...
OK, I think I found it. So install the game, whatever it is. Then go to the disk, and find d3drm.dll and drop it into the program files installation. Should work. It got me onto Lego Island!