Hey all. So, as I'm sure most of us are aware by now, we can use the auto-turrets for any gametype. This has me really excited, and I find myself wondering other people's thoughts on this. Do you plan on using auto-turrets on any maps? (I've seen them used for Flood Maps, but I was more thinking CTF or Slayer.) How do you think turrets would be best used in maps? Do you think it is possible for a map to both be competitive and utilize turrets?
Not trying to squash your idea, but I saw in a video on youtube that the turrets shoot anyone other than the player that spawned it in gametypes other than dominion, so not sure how it would work in a game of team slayer. It would probably work in some free-for-all gametypes, though.
The way it was explained on THFE is that they only shot everyone else in Infection, because infection is technically a free-for-all game.
I'm pretty sure all you need to do is set the turrets to the right team colour. You can build a turret in slayer provided you're on the same team, and it won't shoot you. I'm not sure if there's a way to set up a turret to auto-build, but I'm sure if you picked the right team colour (are flood attackers?) then the turret would shoot the non-infected. They're team based and shoot all other teams, but unless there's another way you'll need someone on the same team to build it. Flood isn't really FFA, is it? I thought it was two teams. (Infected/uninfected)
No, Flood works off the same mechanics as Infection did. If you check the scoring, you'll notice everyone has their own individual points, with no team score. The game recognizes it as an FFA gametype, so the turrets will shoot everyone except the person that built it. (Although they seem to prioritize Infected, but that might just be because they're normally closer.) As far as I've found from a few minutes of checking it out, they can't auto-build, but if you set it to a team, anyone on that team can build them. So, if you set some red turrets around a base, anyone from red team can run up and build them. I don't know if they'll shoot other reds or not though.
This is absolutly true Dolan, check out insanmiac,s map preview posted here on Fh or on his channel, you can see the turrets being used. Also in THFE,s 5 levels.