Something me and my friend put together in about an hour and a half. I still need to add spawns, weapons, and some more cover. But what do you think of the map? Was thinking 6v6 or 8v8. Infinity Team Slayer Halo 4 Map:: GridLock preview - YouTube Updated Pictures. I'v decided this will be a One flag, CTF. Removed the antenna and created an actual base. Added some rocks. Attacker Spawn 1 Attacker Spawn 2 Defender Base 1 Defender Base 2
I'd suggest some crates for cover on the big "castle" walkway, along with some rocks throughout the floor for additional cover but this looks pretty decent so far. I'd like to see a CTF setup as well, that could prove fairly fun. I also LOVE the tunnel by the waterfall.
I'm not too fond of the large antenna base, it just seems a little simplistic compared with the rest of the map. I like the looks and layout of the map as a whole though, It'll be interesting to see how it plays.
The aesthetics look awesome. However, I would be concerned with all the space in the middle. Seems to be very open.
I few things I noticed: - I realize this is a work in progress but the biggest problem I noticed was the lack of cover on the ground level. A person on the "castle". (Referring to the structure in the middle of the map) has sight lines to dominate the fields. Also a vehicle would be overpowered down there. But the map does look like it should support a warthog or ghost. - I like the tunnel structure by the waterfall - this map looks like a 1-flag map -I don't like the assension antenna. (The dishes with the antenna satellite) it looks very thrown in and out of place IMO Overall, needs more structure to the ground floor so it's not a complete death trap.
Updated! Added 4 new screenshots. Took some of your advice. I still need to add more cover. comment? plzkthanks
Trololol? There's no 1 Flag in h4... I agree with Ninja on structure, especially close to where the camera starts in the video.
NO ONE FLAG?!?!?! Well,there goes my plans... OT: looks a lot better! Liking the new base and the cover in the field will make a big difference, just wish it were more than rocks,either way it looks great, keep us updated
The map looks okay, but you NEED to change the name because this one is extremely unoriginal. And I always dislike it when I see another standard name for a map such as "Castle" or something like that. I tend not to download maps that have crappy names nowadays. If you need help finding a name, just tell me, I'll try to think of something for you.
Well I'v added an alternate way to get inside the center structure via some rocks, and set it up for King of the Hill. It's in my Fileshare now if you wanna take a look. And if you have any better ideas for spawns/cover then go ahead and add them if you please.