Heya, a couple friends and I made a "Halo" map, you know, the old crappy thing where everyone drives around in circles on a track in mongeese, while the zombie tries to snipe them out before they reach the end and kill him. I know it's not original, but it's fun. NOW, the problem: We cannot find a gametype in which only ONE player spawns in the sniper's box. What happens instead is in round 1, the mongoose riding team spawns correctly, as does the person on the blue team on their own [blue team = sniper]. Round 2. It tries to spawn red team in the sniper box, resulting in 1 person spawning in the box, and the rest of the team spawning off the map somewhere. Round 3 is correct. etc ------------------------------------------------- While typing this I thought that maybe using Team 3 / Team 4 or something like that instead of using the "Attacker" and "Defender" labels on the spawns and using the 3rd / 4th teams would keep 1 team always spawning in the same place rather than swapping with the other team. Is that thinking correct? Also, is there a more efficient way of doing this? In Halo 3, it was infection, and the zombie spawned in the sniper box. Infection, being gutted in Halo 4, doesn't work with this game. So something else has to be used.
You could try FFA. Use a trait zone allowing for damage to occur only within the sniper's box. Make it one life rounds.
Wait? Why won't Flood mode work again? Just set it to one Zombie and label that starting point Attacker. It works for me when I try it. Put the game to one life. I really want to help but I don't understand the question. Try Flood mode. I don't know why you are doing Red vs Blue? Edit: If you can't get the zombie to pick up a weapon try using an ordinance drop to make weapons appear in Flood. Also you can set the Flood to 15 and then just make the only human the Zombie.
this is actually a really good solution. put spawn points in the trait zone, and thats where players would go when they got sniped. the only snag i see is figuring out a way to end the game, since it would eventually be a bunch of guys in the snipe box.
Right, so. We actually did try FFA, and yeah, if more than one person made it to the end, the game can't end, due to multiple people being invincible in the area where they kill the sniper. I mean, we could make them not invinvible, but then the sniper could kill them, and if not, the players would kill each other, and that is not how the game is meant to go. Can anyone confirm that flood can or can't drive vehicles? And, if I used an ordinance drop, could the flood even pick up the weapon that drops? It seems any team game such as oddball, KoTH, etc results in the teams swapping where they spawn, which is a big issue, if THAT can be stopped, the game would work. FFA games have the problem of the game not ending if multiple people "win"
Confirm? So you can't power up and try it yourself?? Yes the Flood can drive. I told you use Flood mode and set it to 15 players. Did you even read my other post. I am trying to help you.
wow dream you don't have to be a **** about it. you didnt even clearly tell the guy flood could drive until JUST now. and i can confirm, there IS a vehicle option for the flood. i still dont know if thats what you want though, since from what ive read it sounds like the sniper team growing as the game goes on is what you want. one life flood just wouldnt be the same game. FFA is definitely you're best option if you want that effect.
Yeah I did kind of act like a **** and I apologies. Yes the Flood can drive. I know the game would work using Flood if you set it to 15 zombies. The only problem I can think of off the top of my head would be once the first zombie mongoose driver got to the end, there would be no way for that player to pick up the laser since flood can drive but not pick up weapons. So maybe you can have that players teleport to the snipe tower and then they would just have to sword the sniper to death and hope not to get no scoped.
It breaks immersion, but you could just run it for one round and then manually change the teams in the lobby. Can FFA Slayer be set to rounds? It wouldn't have a set pattern to whom spawns as the sniper, but that could work if it's possible. Then you could just set a trait zone to disable damage on the part of the track where the players aren't supposed to kill each other.
I made a map for this. It's called Race for the Cure, in my fileshare. I used FFA. All of the players spawn in one room with a sending teleporter. One recieving teleporter leads to the sniper's platform inside a trait zone allowing him to do damage but disabling movement, which prevents any other players from teleporting there. Another recieving teleporter is placed at the warthogs. As a player moves off the teleporter to get into a warthog, another player is teleported there. Using teleporters allows the map to work with any number of players, and the sniper is always random. I always prefer these matches to end with the sniper being splattered rather than with a sniper battle. So I set the match to end at 100 points and make a splatter kill worth 100 points.