[MAP COMPLETED] Proper Map Thread available now [UPDATE: January 5th 2013] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwV5E8aQXLE Released a new trailer and Deadlock has been updated. I've made some aesthetic changes, like orange lighting in the shotgun hall, a cable that runs between the BR tower and lift room and a pipe network underneath the map. Apart from that some of you pointed out the weapon spawn times were off, so I changed those based off of blackout's weapon spawns. Weapon: Spawn time / Spare Clips Needler: 60 / 1 Sniper: 180 / 2 Shotgun: 180 / 1 Sword: 150 / - Suppressor: 30 / 1 Magnum: 30 / 2 Assault Rifle: 30 / 2 Battle Rifle: 30 / 2 Plasma Pistol: 30 / - All Grenades: 30 / - This has been Deadlock's last major update and I'd like to thank you guys for all the helpful feedback. Be sure to download the latest version of Deadlock available in my file share now. (It still goes by the same name so don't look for a v2 or anything like that.) [Note] People have been asking me how to download maps from random players, so I looked into it. It's a bit convoluted, Press start in the Infinity Menu, Go to Settings & Files and pick File Browser. Choose Map Variants and go to File Share Search, then you can enter a Gamertag and search. That should do the trick Share Your COMPLETED Halo 4 Maps Here... - Forge Hub Hello everyone, I haven't made a map in ages and with the release of Halo 4 I decided to do a Lockout Remake. So I've been busy the last couple of days. I don't have a working copy of Halo 2 so I had to scavenge videos and screenshots to make this map, therefore I'm sure that it is not 100% accurate. But I've done the best I could and am quite pleased with the result here is a preview video. Halo 4: Deadlock Preview (Lockout Remake) - YouTube The reason for making this map was because I love lockout and rather than waiting for someone else to do it, I gave it a shot. The new subtle improvements to forge such as Duplicate and Lock make it a lot less frustrating. I think it came together pretty nicely, but as you may have noticed there are some notable differences. First of all there is no glass panel in the middle of the map. I've tried this but it was bumpy and you couldn't see much anyway. The Lower middle with the drop to the shotgun hall looks different,. That is because I couldn't get the original's shape to work and I ran out of building materials faster than I expected. The shotgun hall has a hiding place on each side like on blackout, I could't find any pictures of this area in lockout but I thought it was just one straight hall. So I decided to point it out just in case. The gravlift has a one way shield at the top, this is to prevent players from jumping down the shaft. I wasn't sure about this one because you couldn't chuck grenades into the lift. Then I found out that the gravlift infinitely bounces the grenade up and down either way, so I kept it in. So because of these differences I decided to call it Deadlock. The map itself is done but it still needs some work. I just finished adding the kill areas and I need some help with the next couple of steps. First I want to set up game types, in particular Team Slayer, Free For All, CTF, One Flag, Oddball and King of the Hill. (Maybe Assault and One bomb we'll see) This is my first problem, I want the objectives in the same place as they were on Lockout. If anyone has some kind of map or knows where the objectives should go please contact me either here or on XBL. GT= Respect the Hat The same goes for my other problems. I want to make two variants of the map one with the same weapons as Lockout and the other with weapon drops etc. I did stumble on a page with weapon spawn times which is nice. But I don't know where all the weapons should go or for example how many BR's there should be. So a map or something of lockout with all the weapons on it would be greatly appreciated. Lastly, where do the spawns go? If someone knows please add me on Xbox live and join my forge game. Of course I don't need the spawns to be in the exact same place, but I wouldn't know where to start. Anyone who helps out gets credit for his or her contribution of course. The reason I'm asking so much is because I want this map to be good, so everyone can have fun on lockout again. So instead of guessing where to put everything, I thought I'd ask my fellow fans. Also one more question. How do you give a link directly to your Halo 4 fileshare? I don't think they added that feature yet on the Waypoint website. Well I hope this gets done soon, it's only a matter of details now. If you have feedback please share it and I'll keep you updated. [UPDATE: November 15th 2012] I've got a working version of Deadlock uploaded to my File Share. I just finished working out some of the issues I've found, done some play tests and I've had lots of fun with it. The only problem is that there are some clipping issues, with parts of the map flickering in and out. I've sorted this out five times but the problem kept reappearing after saving and reloading the map, so I gave up on that. Apart from that the map is a lot of fun and you can download it if you want to see for yourself. The weapons all have their Halo 2 spawn times and are where they should be as far as I know. Since there are no Plasma Rifles I've put in two suppressors with 1 spare clip to replace them. (If you want to replace them with storm rifles be my guest) I've also removed some fusion coils because the blast radius on those things in Halo 4 is ridiculous. I'm currently in the process of making a video to promote the map. The reason I haven't officially posted it on forgehub is because Halo 4 doesn't support file search yet. This map is intended for 2-8 players and works with both Free for All and Team based games. The map supports the Gametypes: - Slayer - King of the Hill - Oddball - Capture the Flag - Flood I want to give special thanks to Dizzyman who has really helped me out a lot and of course everyone who has supported me in the process. I've done my best to remake Lockout and I'm really happy with the result. I've had great fun playing it already and I hope you do too. When the file search goes up I'll post this map properly with a nice video and everything but this has to do for now. Deadlock is in my File share, GT= Respect the Hat Enjoy.
Okay, I've created a few pictures to show the location of all of the Hills I could find. Spoiler Other Stuff: Spoiler I found this interesting sight line I thought you might want to see. Also, it appears that the Oddball only spawns in this location no matter what I do. What's even weider is that you can actually walk back down the grav-lift if you want. But I wouldn't stress this. Couldn't get a pic for that either. (Lazy) Let me know if you need anything else,
Thanks Dizzy, I'm going to setup Oddball and KOTH asap. I found the CTF, flag locations somewhere too so that's also resolved. I'll make the door at the lower sniper tower somewhat smaller to match the line of sight you showed me. As for spawns, I think I'll take a look at blackout because I think the spawns on both black and lockout are pretty close and it will make it easier for me to be accurate. After that's done I'll make the two variants, I'll start with the classic fixed weapons so by that time I'll need some help with weapon locations. I'll start working on it after the weekend. (Because it's my birthday Saturday)
You mean, these weapon locations? Spoiler There's a Plasma Pistol waaaaay in the back. I also think you should be able to find the rest of the weapons you need in my KOTH pics, if not let me know I'll give it another look. Other Spoiler Just thought you might've wanted to see this piece. And have a Happy Birthday, xKryeZ.
Here are a few pics showing weapon spawn points. http://www.bungie.net/images/games/halo2/guides/mp_maps/lockout/lockout_SniperTower.gif Shows 3 plasma grenades a plasma rifle and the sniper. Not weapons but some more details for ya Notice the antennas and the wires. Both of those can be forged in 4 so it would be cool to add them in. http://jakeposluszny.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/h2-lockout.jpg[\img] http://www.bungie.net/images/games/halo2/guides/mp_maps/lockout/lockout_basefront.gif Shows an objective a BR and a turret. http://www.bungie.net/images/games/halo2/guides/mp_maps/lockout/lockout_basefront.gif Shows two BR's, two objectives, a plasma pistol, sniper, and a turret. http://www.bungie.net/images/games/halo2/guides/mp_maps/lockout/lockout_pistolroom.gif Show a pistol, grenades, plasma rifle. Hope this helps a bit, happy birthday.
Awesome job guys, I've got KOTH, Oddball and CTF working now. Thanks for the weapon pictures I'll be adding those after I do the spawns. I'm really grateful for all the support. So thanks a lot and let's hope this map turns out great.
colors look really flat, curious...what's your budget on this? Don't take offense...Erosion has a light glitch.
No offense taken I've currently used 8785 / 10000. I think it might be my capture card, I'm on a budget and it can't record in HD. If the colors are flat in HD I can't do anything about it, but it never bothered me personally. I don't know if this problem will persist. If so I'm sorry I can't help it.
I think lockout would have looked great on impact because of the clod feeling of space. Is there any chance after you finish this version to make one on impact?
I have to disagree with this actually. Lockout did have a cold feel but it wasn't in space, there weren't any asteroids floating around and there certainly wasn't a nebula. While I see where you are coming from it would look out of place on impact.
Funny you'd ask that, because yes I am planning to do one on Impact after I've put out Deadlock and got some feedback.
Not sure if it's normally like this, but the energy sword spawn time is 25 seconds. Is it just me, or is that too fast? I'm not sure if the original was that fast, but I could be wrong.
My bad, I took the respawn times from this wiki page. I don't know if they are accurate, but I could always check blackout for respawn times and change it.
Great map. Considering I have Halo 2 I might be able to send you some images of the map. Good work. Do think you could add the wiring on the map that connects between the two antennas? I think it would be excellent in terms of detail.
I liked this idea so I added the cable in the latest version. It's not perfect because it's made out of 15 or so bent pieces of wire but it turned out okay. Check out the latest version of Deadlock available in my file share now, have fun.