I've got two ideas to get the first H4 map up. I can either remake Endeavour in H4 and continue the project... Or I've got an orginal idea... I've found a nice interesting area where I can build a potential map in Forge. So, go back to the old or try something orginal?
Hmm, mind telling me where that area is? But, no for serious? You should go with the original idea first, you can always make Endeavour later. An original map is a nice way to start up forge isnt it?
It's kind of a tough call, if you really want to go make that original map then go make it. But there is this rule of thumb out there, where should try to finish your designs. It's pretty good advice, because otherwise you'd have a giant book filled with top-down layouts you'd never get to. (I speak from exprience) So I say go with Endeavor, you get to check all of the new pieces, get use to the editor, etc. But it's all up to you and there is absolutely no pressure to make a map within the first two weeks of Halo 4.
This. I can't really make my decision until you tell us where the area is. But like everyone said, go with the original idea first. Save remakes for later.