Well to be fair Insane wasnt added til about a year (guessing) into H:R's lifetime. But sadly I don't think 343 will add it cause its against their realistic war simulation philosophy they seem to have taken up. Such a shame, really. Its just not in the spirit of Halo if you ask me. And VIP: why, oh why didn't they bring it back? Oh yeah that's right: it's cause 343 doesn't seem to give a crap for the customs community.
There's no VIP in Reach, James. I didn't see you complaining before the release of H4. Why now? Nothing has changed.
Matchmaking feels so small at the moment...but I do 343 said they will be adding more modes very soon, the swat mode would be nice brs,dmrs and pistols with low shields etc.
Everyone has to calm down. They just shipped the game. We will get updates and as long as you tell 343 what we want, they will consider doing it.
I see words being bandied around, can anyone link me to 343's confirmation of an update including SWAT?
Well IGN has a video of SWAT gameplay. Halo 4 - SWAT Mode Walkthrough With 343 - IGN Video I doubt they would put that out there if it wasn't coming to MM.
This. THIS, THIS! Man my thought in a comment. I do exactly think alike. People have to be patience for a while.
Point being. As for SpartanPeter, I honestly don't care very much whether a SWAT playlist makes it into matchmaking, but I just want to make sure people aren't leaping to conclusions.. trying to prevent misinformation. Someone else might interpret as "343 said it, cause they said it definitely will" and then the whole thing starts. I actually almost did this myself recently..
I was upset that there was no VIP in Reach, but got over it. But with 343i taking over and a fairly large outcry from the Forge/customs community for VIP, I was hoping they would bring it back.
That's the reason? That's why they left out so much stuff? That's it? ARE YOU ****ING SHITTING ME 343i
I'm pretty sure that because we installed the multiplayer they can literally do whatever and add or remove things way easier than if it was on disc. Don't quote me on it but they should be able to add vehicles and weapons or gametypes easily in an update because of the fact the multiplayer is installed and not really a disc.
I've become to believe this as well more and more recently. I think they're bringing out their content piece by piece, so the community will continue playing the game. A clear example is Spartan Ops, as well as the unlocking of armor, perks, weapons and even symbols. I hope they'll do the same for things like the screwed Forge editor movements, and the release of the Falcon and/or Hornet and the missing gametypes and options in gametypes. If not, then ****. Edited by merge: So what's your point? It was huge in Reach, and it wasn't added at the time of Reach's release because they didn't invent it yet. Now however, it does exist, and it's pointless leaving it out.
I feel for you bud! I'll never understand why 343 takes away gametypes. With what they did, they extremely hurt the potential in mini games.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from a quick glance, I thought Regicide was VIP... anyone want to fill me in here?
SWAT has arrived, its playable. And its ok, i like it. Regicide is defenitly NOT vip. Regicide is also not FFA, and its not that great IMO...
What else is it? I have the feeling you're talking about Rumble Pit FFA from Reach, but I don't see a difference besides the leader settings.. can someone fill me in?