Anyone else slightly disappointed with Forge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PatchworkZombie, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Another thing I'm not quite happy with, are the lights.
    They don't really do their job since they just don't light up anything more than 5 feet away from them. Sure, you get 4 of them now, but I rather have 2 working lights then 4 colorful orbs that don't do ****. But that's not really a problem compared to the other flaws forge has.
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Seems like they may have had to tone them down that much to avoid framerate lag. If that's true, I can live with it. Overall lack of ability to tweak and customize the atmosphere of forge maps is a problem though - here's to hoping that Halo 5 finally gives us something in that regard (e.g. full object coloring, swappable skins, weather effects, lighting effects, lights that actually have a large area of effect, different sound FX, etc.; I can think of a hundred ways that maps could be more personalized and unique).
  3. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    They are doing their jobs exactly. You are just still thinking about how lights were used in Reach. In Halo 4, we have FOUR lights, which can be used to light very specific areas. IMO this is much more useful than the shotgun effect we had in Reach (light would spill into areas you didn't want it). I guarantee you that localized lighting will be much more useful in the long run. Especially when used in tandem with the new shading system.

    I think we're going to see a lot of "half forge, half terrain" maps not too different from your invasion map, shoe. A lot of people seem to be ignoring the huge potential for kick ass asymmetric maps. If you look at it that way you begin to understand why 343 made the forge worlds how they are. Especially when you consider the rest of Halo 4's map line up, and see that they are moving away from symmetric map designs.
    #43 FriedFoodStuffz, Nov 7, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
  4. Robster95

    Robster95 Promethean
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    A little disappointed?! I'm VERY disappointed, halo 3s forge was better and easier than this!! Not sure if I'm going to forge or not, I made one map but well... I'm not happy with it do neither will u guys, for all the reasons u guys said as well as the forge maps are REDICULUSLY small!! It's just big enough for 8v8 at a very push at least with forge world everyone forged in differant places, yes the same map but every map looked differant, and as painful as it is to say.... Reaches forge pieces.... Looked better... Just felt suck in my mouth, I'm hoping they will bring out HUGE updates for forge and game modes like VIP and bomb, but atm, very disappointed, at this point If they brought out a map pack for forge with forge world on it or similar size of even a map slightly smaller with reaches pieces I would get it, that's his much I don't like this new forge :/
  5. Exzyon

    Exzyon Promethean

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    I didn't Forge much within Halo:Reach, so I didn't experience the 'Fine Adjustment' tool that 343i implemented. I'm sort-of glad I haven't now, since I don't know what I'm missing.

    However, the colour palette leaves me slightly... miffed. Everything looks as if it's been bleached and leaves me using flat blocks to act as ramps, JUST so colours are somewhat coherent.

    ALSO, one MAJOR annoyance, and possibly bug, is that after I saved one of my creations a few times, the objects started to alter.

    I mean that by all locked objects nudged themselves on the Y-axis by '1'. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

    You can imagine the heartache of having to fix every object on a project you've just spent 7 hours straight on. Horrifying.
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    We can hope.
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    the "objects changing position" glitch seems to be back in full force.
    noticed it multiple times today, and it was pretty bad.
    honestly it was worse than reach.

    when i joined another persons game, all their objects were rotated slightly out of place, creating a ton of tiny gaps in the floor.

    when someone joined my game on another instance, the same thing happened to them.
  8. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Then never change.

    It's only seastacks, it's all of them. It's only on half of erosion and it's only after you use about 70% budget. And that's all the details I've noticed.
  9. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I really want to see an Infection Map on Impact involving Mantises.
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    noticed it at the start of forging my map. budget is only 1300 so far
    and it happens to col. walls too.

    dont worry, im sure you'll see 1000 as soon as the forum opens up.
  11. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Forerunner

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    Yeah this happened in Reach, it can be extremely frustrating if you're a perfectionist. The only thing to do is fix everything as best you can and then post your map, most people tend to understand that slight imperfections are caused by this. The most annoying thing is when the objects change in such a way as to cause massize Z-Fighting which just keeps changing back no matter how you fix it.
  12. ZServ

    ZServ Ancient
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    My big issue with Forge right now isn't even forge. It's Halo Waypoint. You can't transfer files. You can't search for files. you can't even upload screenshots. I have a map DONE, gametypes added, but I can't do a friggin' THING with it. What the hell is the point of waypoint besides stats? Honestly. </rage>
  13. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    They are working on it.
  14. ZServ

    ZServ Ancient
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    That's good to hear. I love coming here and finding insanely unique maps, but now that I can give back it's much harder. Any idea on when we should expect anything or nothing yet?
  15. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
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    No clue, I would imagine they would want it up as soon as possible though.
  16. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    I kind of forced myself at an attempt of an infantile map... it's pretty much putting tubes together on impact to make a map that's confusing as ****. I've no motivation... no aspiration... no INSPIRATION. I've thought up small tid-bits of slightly interesting ideas yet no map or larger ideas onto which I can apply them.
  17. Exzyon

    Exzyon Promethean

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    I've read a couple posts and it seemed that the problem occurred mainly when a friend joined your game. As it turns out, I had one of my friends join my game pre-development to run around in, and tell me how it was. Could be the problem. I'll save the testing for Customs.
  18. nsanexer0

    nsanexer0 Promethean

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    I'm horrified with halo 4's forge... I'm sr30 and starting to think I should go back to reach, because honestly the settings for custom games/forge are not cutting it :\

    Not to mention every map is way too small for anything larger scale.... I'd love to see jumprope be built on this forge lol
  19. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    People have become lackadaisical ... the reason Forge was fun to start with is because it was challenging, you actually got a sense of accomplishment out of it.

    You'll all stop whining in a few weeks and get back into it.

  20. SilentNinja729

    SilentNinja729 Promethean

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    How to fix Z-fighting:

    All you have to do to stop z- fighting is to move it one coordinate off, then back, but let go of the piece before it gets all the way there... it's a little tricky at first, but once you're used to it (i did it for reach as well), it's perfect. The objects are flush enough that it's smooth while still looking nice.

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