I don't own the game yet, sadly, but i have been watching a lot of Halo 4 custom games and forge on youtube. I noticed that the dynamic lighting in forge didn't appear to be there in custom games. This seems really odd and i was wondering if someone could confirm that dynamic lighting on forge placed objects actually shows when playing your forged map in custom games. I am probably wrong, why add dynamic lighting if it isn't even there when u play your map?
I haven't noticed it being gone (I don't have the game yet either) but I haven't been looking. I don't know.
Oh, no. You have to be trolling. LF>Confirmation please. If you're messing with me, I will do something to you. And it will be very bad. Hint: pink unicorns.
Anyone who has the game, could you please confirm this? Just make a very quick map in forge, then play it in customs. That would be great thanks. Surely someone on this forum has the game.
Lol just look at Relay, it was made in forge, and has dynamic lighting. What kind of question is this? :/
If 343i didn't want dynamic lighting to appear in customs, they would've never added it in, otherwise it would be completely lame like Nutduster said. I'm sure its there.
Like i said i don't have the game, so i can't really tell. But i watched some videos on youtube of enclosed player made maps, and it just looked like there was no shadows being cast from objects. I know it seems like an odd question, because it should be an obvious answer, but you never know what weird things 343 might have accidentally done. Just wanted some clarification. What if you make a map, but never went into spartan mode for some reason, so it never rendered the dynamic lighting? Then when u saved the map and played it in customs the lighting wasn't showing? Just a thought, probably wrong.
They appear, I'm sure. But the thing that isn't cool, is that whenever you are in a game that has dynamic lighting in it (at least in Forge) the room appears to be darker, but the gun and the character are BRIGHT AS EVER. Maybe it's just on Forge, but it looks really nasty.