Game type work-arounds

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SilentJacket, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    well then, since a lot of our favorite gametypes have been removed, its time to get creative!

    I'll be updating this thread once new gametype emulations have been found

    -king of the hill base, one second timer

    -only the first person across gets the point
    -issue of mongoose spawning

    -grifball base, play normally

    you die when you score
    will only work with neutral flag or one flag
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Then you might as well just use Slayer and don't give the players points for kills. If you use KotH, the player in lead will always win because he gets all the points. This is far from ideal.
  3. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    343 can suck on a big fat one. They ruined Halo 4. They took out all the good games types. This makes no sense to me. I want my money back. Even Infection is a broken piece of junk. Now I wish we could have Bungie back.
  4. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dream 76 without race is like ham with no burger, kool aid with no sugar.
  5. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I don't know if you are trying to just be funny or trying to give me a hard time cause I am pissed about a half broken game that I waited a year to get. Either way, you know that I make mini games and other types of maps as well. I am no one trick pony. I don't just work on competitive maps like some.
  6. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Chill bro, I wasn't talkin smack. I knew you liked making race tracks so this kinda screwed you over. I had no idea you made mini games as well, but more power to you. You don't gotta get all bent out of shape here, I was just making conversation and agreeing with you actually.

    And so what if I make only competetive maps? It's worked out for me & it's been quite successful at that over the past few years. Why you gotta attack me, was there anything I said rude in that post?

    /checks post

    Nope. No need to be a douche.
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Yeah, I was just in a bad mood cause of a few let downs. I wasn't sure if you were messing with me or not. My bad. I do like to make mini games and Infection games as well.
  8. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Lets all attack forge, and dont even look slightly at the other aspects of the game...
    If you want your money back then well, too bad. Its not going to happen. What can happen however is that we work together, or however you want, to come to some solutions. What we are now basically doing is attacking forge, and saying that the game is a piece of crap (Because of forge)

    PATIENCE. People, they didnt include all those gametypes because they didnt want to delay the game. They wanted to have the "Core" gametypes with the release. With the playlist updates, and the future updates coming i have very much hope in the future of forging and gametypes (Including options)
    You know i am actually 100% sure that race is coming, same for assault or any of your favorite classic gametypes (Race for 100% sure)
    I mean.. We are doing nothing now, Complaining that is, and a few have waged a shot to even look at forge and try somenthing (x DREAM 76 x, saw you made an race variant, someone else did earlier you had the idea too)
    Be the change. We work this out.
  9. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Peter, what you're saying is nonsense. 343 has had quite a lot of time to work on H4; from before the time of ODST, if my memory serves me correctly. Seems like a bit much to "not delay the game."
  10. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    The problem is though.. They,ve said that themselves. Besides that, do you really think this are going to be the only gametypes? They probally didnt found it important enough to make before the release date. Its going to be added, dont you think.
  11. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Where exactly does it say that all of these gametypes will be added? "don't you think" and "do you really think" are not acceptable logical proofs.

    As for the "we don't want to release it late, so we'll disclude things", 343 is spouting garbage.
  12. Phoenix of Wei

    Phoenix of Wei Ancient
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    Here's a rhetorical for you: Is it possible to add assault post launch? No. Not unless they use the oddball. And do you think 343 is fond of having dumb players who need all their objectives and weapon drops clearly marked and called out imagining an oddball is a bomb?

    I'm all for workarounds and the like, but the way the game is really going to move forward and become something of its own is when we find out just what cool new things we can do. Dominion, for instance, has a lot of potential in my eyes. Also of note are the uses of the new impact cores, capable of mechanisms reminiscent of Halo 3 switches.

    "Escalator, Moving Walkway and more!" - Halo 4 Forge - YouTube
    #12 Phoenix of Wei, Nov 7, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
  13. DethByFenix

    DethByFenix Promethean

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    Actually, yes it should be. Remember, the game is digitally installed to your xbox, which means files could be added through updates, unlike previous installments where it was not required to download it to your console.

    This gives me hope that 343 is really trying the new business model of releasing a game and adding tons of new content to keep players intrigued longer, as opposed to releasing a new game in 2 years. It's been foreshadowed in the industry today, and I think we're going to get a glimpse of it in Halo 4.
  14. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    You're right. It is possible for them to add gametypes to the game post-launch. Remember how Bungie added Halo Chess to Reach? Yeah, anyways.

    That new business model isn't designed to help keep the game fresh for players, it's designed to keep making money off them. (Map packs, Xbox LIVE, etc.)
    And that's still not an excuse for making a half-assed game.
  15. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    calling it a half-assed game is pure sillyness.

    just because they neglected to include niche gametypes at launch does not make it half-assed.
    race is a small niche of the community.
    infection is a slightly larger niche than that.
    and forge is a slightly larger niche than that.

    echo chamber principle here...
    (just because all of us on a forge website are upset, doesnt mean the vast majority is.)

    and dont get me wrong, i am upset over the missing things too...
    but come on now, this game is not half-assed at all.
  16. WhiskeyWarm

    WhiskeyWarm Ancient
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    At the moment we have to forget how Reach race worked and go back to H3 Style, one hill for one lap, limit speed and movement through it (use grav volumes and one way shields) so that you only get 1 point. This does mean that all tracks have to be uncheatable, but that is nowhere near the challenge it was in H3 now we have vehicle teleporters and kill volumes.

    Using Hill for racing wasn't that uncommon in H3 either. It gives some interesting team options compared to normal VIP race.

    I almost definite that it wouldn't take long at all to make BattleTracks on H4, with the added boon of trait zones to stop spawn camping. I'm sure Dream already has.

    Unfortunately I can see no way of making rocket race except having to stay in the hill for 1 second (whereas normally it would be instant).

    I'm going to make some races today and put all three gametypes in my file share tonight.
    #16 WhiskeyWarm, Nov 8, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2012
  17. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Yeah, man I am making Battle Tracks today. It uses three hills. There will be three sections to the whole goal point. In other words you will be able to take the right center or left lane of the goal. It is broken down to three sections. This way there will be no contesting. If you see a team take the right side right in front of you, you need to take the center or left lane. That way every team gets the point. I am also experiment with tele portals to try to send people back to the spawn if they try to shoot on foot. I will have testing up later if anyone is interested in testing send me a message on live.
  18. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    If you made race more like a drag race than a circuit it could work. Make a long linear track with one hill at the end. First person to the hill wins.
  19. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Cool idea but most people want to race more than one lap. This is especially the case with Battle Tracks.
  20. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Maybe set the hill to only spawn after a certain amount of time? IDK how you would stop camping, though...

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