Bull True!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Brutis BKN, May 21, 2008.

  1. Brutis BKN

    Brutis BKN Ancient
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    There is one zombie he is suposed to get in a chopper and with the game setup he charges out of a room, a wall closes his entrace after 10 sec. It is a inclosed area and the Zombie is not supposed to use the turrets on the Chopper. It is a Giant areana with some spot to jump on and if you go up there, you can still die that is why I made the bridges around the map so the zombie and bank up the wall and moe ur butt over! If you preffer more challenge just stand in middle catch the ZOmbies attention by shooting at him and have fun staying alive. There is no where to hide!

    This is a screen shot of the arena and where the bull charges angerly out!

    Bull True Map Variant
    Bull True Game Variant!

    I have worked very hard to get the interlocking just right. SO please DL and Rate I am trying to hit 100 DLs in two days!
    #1 Brutis BKN, May 21, 2008
    Last edited: May 21, 2008
  2. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    Don't focus on DL goals and worry about the overall quality and enjoyability of the map.
  3. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I would recommend changing the entrance a little, First, I would reduce the teleporters and add a another layer using a separate channel where the zombie spawns, and a receiver node with the same channel. Then lower the ceiling in the entrance, that way whoever the zombie is, can't get into the arena without the chopper.
  4. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    i need more pics to render a final desision
  5. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Yes, looks fantastic, like a sweet Cat n' Mosue-type thing, but I need more pics. I will still download, though.

    EDIT: No DL link? please link it...and don't set D/l goals, it is pointless.
  6. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    just a suggestion, move the teleporter to the spot outside of the map so they die if they go through it.
  7. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    If you have anymore Double Boxes, use one to lower the ceiling above the Chopper Spawn area. It will reduce the amount of teleporters you have to use, saving you money. If you don't have anymore Double Boxes, just get rid of the higher Teleporters, then use that money to make a Double Box. If you used the Infinite Budget Glitch, I'm not sure what you should do with the Teleporters.

    To eliminate Honor Rules with a Chopper, make a gametype so that the Bull cannot kill anyone with his guns, but can still splatter people. Make the Bull's damage modifier 0%. Then, he can shoot, but cannot deal damage with his guns. However, he can still splatter.

    BTW, how are you going to get 100 downloads in two days with no link to the map? You need the link to the map, perhaps the most important part of your ForgeHub post.
    #7 Wraith, May 21, 2008
    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Thats not an easy thing to do, especially without a link. I'm sorry, but you havent shot your self in the foot, you have rocketed yourself in the thigh. It looks pretty good. I thought it would be an infection where you would rack up a lot of bulltrues. I'm still not completely sure as to how this plays, you haven't given us enough of a description.
  9. Brutis BKN

    Brutis BKN Ancient
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    Sorry was kind of ina rush >< Links have been fixed sorry about that.
  10. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    hmm looks really fun i've though about something like this. It would be cool if it didn't require honor rules, but the way this is set up i don't think anyone's going to break the rules anyway. looks really cool nice job awesome idea!
  11. Nicko

    Nicko Ancient
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    This looks like it could be a fun minigame. I love dodging things. :D
  12. Brutis BKN

    Brutis BKN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks I tried my hardest =)
  13. Brutis BKN

    Brutis BKN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I guess Ill delete this Map... =(

    People just are not liking it, I have bearly any post which means that no one is interested in this type of game. Well then...please tell me what you are into then if you do not like this game variant or map variant type Please. Thank you so much =)
    #13 Brutis BKN, May 23, 2008
    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  14. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Brutis, please don't bump your maps ... i can understand that its frustrating when no-one will download or give constructive criticism.

    I would love you to put some more pictures up, especially of some in-game action, rather than in Forge.

    Also, as good as using the Brute Chopper is, would it not have been better to make the 'Bull' use a Mongoose, since there are no weapons on it? Using the Brute Chopper requires the Honour Rule system, which isn't very reliable.

    I think its still a cool idea though ...
  15. Brutis BKN

    Brutis BKN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for critisizing my post and map..but the only thing is that the mongoose allows a lot of room to get going in order to moe(run) someone over. Hmm mabe I will try ghost but, that has guns to >< ah this is hard. I will tamper with game settings and try to get it where the zombie does no damage but can still splatter. I will put more pictures up shortly.

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