If we could spawn 2 grifballs at once, which seems probable if the multiple objective placements working the same, we could basically have assault I'm sure there would be a countdown timer as a custom games option. Could see the tossing of the girfball potentially being somewhat OP, but could be really, really interesting on somewhere like Valhalla I just saw this on waypoint, and it could actually be really, really good. Any other ways in which we may be able to break gametypes to make new ones? Or even just thoughts at this stage.
I'm pretty sure I heard that 343 took every option out of grifball to reduce lag. That would mean no spawning with weapons other than energy sword and gravity hammer. I think I remember them saying that they took a lot of features that grifball didn't use out of assault in order to improve performance.
I don't see how that would work though. Comparing script lengths, grifball's length could be no where near that of oddball, KOTH, slayer, etc etc. But at the same time they did do some arsehattery with infection. Hm....
I'm not sure where you're going with this, but that's kind of the point, that they would remove extraneous support for certain features to decrease script length and improve performance