Minigame Map Pack 1

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Gravedigger5454, May 23, 2008.


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  1. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Minigame Map Pack 1

    This is the first minigame map pack. The maps included in these will be minigames, which focus on and favor gameplay as the most important part of a map. The three maps in this map pack all have a group of players use a sniper rifle to try to stop other players from scoring points. In Duck Hunt, the ducks must try to snipe the hunt from midair; on Jenga Tower, the British use a sniper rifle to defend the tower of Jenga; and in Sniper Tundra, the snipers try to keep players from the other team from surviving inside the hill.

    Duck Hunt
    Created by WetBeaver


    Quick Summary of How to Play:
    Shooters get the chance to test their marksmenship as "clay pigeons" are launched in the air. There is a twist, as the "pigeons" are armed with sniper rifles, and can fire back at the shooter. The game is flexible and can accomodate any size party. Two players spawn behind gauss warthog turrets, which they must use to kill the "clay pigeons." All the other players are pigeons. If you have a large party, a few pigeons will spawn as "sitting ducks," and then have to wait a moment before getting to join in the action as a "clay pigeon."

    Duck Hunt was an NES classic that made use of a light gun accessory to shoot ducks and clay pigeons, and was quite revolutionary in 1985. Well, times have changed, and now we can shoot pigeons with a high-powered GAUSS cannon, thanks to WetBeaver. He has made a loving tribute to the classic original in the form of a mini-game.

    Jenga Tower
    Created by Cosmic Rick and TurboGerbil 604

    Quick Summary of How to Play:
    British Soldiers try to stop Japanese Kamikaze warriors from causing them to fall from the tower of Jenga. The British soldiers are armed with sniper rifles which they can use to stop the Japanese (takes three shots, even if you get a headshot) and score a point. Japanese soldiers can drive vehicles into the tower, or attack it with a gravity hammer. Both will be suicidal, but they'll score a point for it. If a Japanese soldier kills one of the british they will score 7 points. They can use a gauss cannon from the ground to help them. The last British soldier standing is awarded three points.

    "The year is 1784, the British have been pushed back to the coast of Sicily by the Japanese and their formidable army of Kamikaze Warriors. There they shall make their last stand at the Tower of Jenga! With their newly fashioned Long Rifles and a God given weapon of unbelievable power they must hold the tower against the ever-rising tide of the Japanese Warriors, but the Japanese have brought their own weapons, and their own tools to fight the battle, cannons, gattling guns and the will to sacrifice all for their nation they are a force to be reckoned with. The Tower of Jenga must be held at all costs."

    Sniper Tundra
    Created by Furious D 18


    Quick Summary of How to Play:
    Players struggle to control a hill while dodging sniper fire. One point is awarded to a team for each second of uncontested hill control, and two for each kill. A custom powerups spawns every 20 seconds, a player who nabs it will be rewarded with 150% damage reduction and immunity to headshots for 30 seconds. For those who like the "run n' gun" style of play, you can rush into the hill and try to grab some points, while the "campers" try to keep you out of it from one of the many sniper locations throughout the map.

    Additional Information:
    At the far edges of the maps, you can access two watchtower platforms by teleporters. Another very useful sniper point is a treetop platform, accesible by using the mancannon pointing towards the tree. Many objects merged into the geometry like this one in the tree help make the maps aesthetics great.

    A unique feature worth mentioning is the Bouncing Box. It’s a crate suspended above three grav lifts. It will bounce up and down randomly, so it’s a fun little piece of cover to use. There’s no better feeling than when your enemy’s poorly timed shot hits the crate right before you take him out while it’s floating above.


    There is also a ramp off the side off the side of the cliff that leads to a floating platform. A very useful platform is built from bridges and floats above the middle of the map, looking towards the hill. This spot can be accessed by a nearby mancannon, and can be used to keep off enemies off the other sniper perches.



    Download Sniper Tundra
    Download Sniper Hill Game Variant

    View Original Forgehub Thread for More Info
    #1 Gravedigger5454, May 23, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2008
  2. knottz44

    knottz44 Ancient
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    HAHA eat some fat boy dinos. 1st i think
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    All really fun maps. Duck Hunt is my personal favorite. I'm glad this got featured
  4. DonDon87941

    DonDon87941 Ancient
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    that duckhunting map looks very cool ill give it a try
  5. HWC ozzie

    HWC ozzie Ancient
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    Duck Hunt is amazing! I'm not so sure about those other maps. The Jenga Tower would probably be hard to play, (people would probably breaking the rules). Duck Hunt is nuts with a lot of "Pigeons" that are sniping you!!!!!
  6. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Jenga Tower has no applicable honor rules....
    There's no actual way to break the map in a way that affects the game.
  7. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    me and my friends are always laughin our asses off cause of duck hunt, and i am interested to see what the other maps are like
  8. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    I have to say, duck hunt was genius!
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    i must check these out, will they be in the next tgif??? if so hurray! if not, lamesauce!

    i guess it's up to the host, but ya, they should all definately be play, good job to the creators, and congratz on being featured!
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I love duck hunt, I remember playing it a couple months ago.
    It so much fun.
    I havent tried the other two yet.
  11. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Looks cool,
    not the first of its kind but the most thought out and tested.
    I still have to read the full post on the rules and what-not, so i'll get back in a few
  12. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    we played duck hunt last TGIF, and it was really fun. as for the other two, they also look great! the jenga tower looks really fun a great idea and seems like fun gameplay, and sniper tundra looks brilliant! the tree platforms are so cool how do you do that???
  13. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Ive played Jenga Tower and it was a lot of fun. I kept getting kills just by plasma pistolling the kids on the tower, than theyd loose their balance and fall off. Duck Hunt defnitely looks like a lot of fun. Sniper Tundra looks beastly too, havent played them yet though.
  14. TyRant Hacker

    TyRant Hacker Ancient
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    I remember jenga from a while back, i love it. yeah the map pack is great!
  15. FreakyPenguin5

    FreakyPenguin5 Ancient
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    i really like duck hunt it is so much fun
  16. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    i really like these map packs that forgehub is featuring because whats in them is always great. The duck hunt game looks like the funniest thing to play and ive been on sniper tundra before and thats really fun!:D
  17. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    The BEST minigame I have ever played...
  18. SoulPursuer

    SoulPursuer Ancient
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    Lol i played that duck hunt map like 2 months ago.
  19. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
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    Duck Hunt is good. Mini-games are good for you when you are bored. Bigger games you do, when you want to archive something.
  20. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Duck Hunt is the best Mini Game out there and I will try Jenga Tower

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