alright for starters this does seem like a very well done map and i like the single boxes merged with the ground and that you used the back part of the level. now for some tips even though i have not played it yet it does seem a little bit open just wondering if that was intended, and also if your going to add a sword i suggest somewhere you would most likely get attacked if you were going for it. and for the observation area it does look a little unneat but i can understand trying to get the right shape.
ok, it was supposed to be open so that the snipers were useful but could be easily countered with a sneak attack up the ramp, or more noobishly, by grenade spamming the observation area is a little bit messy because that was a last minute decision and by that time i was running out of walls and boxes plus, i wanted to get this on to forgehub quickly so it was a tad rushed but it still works gameplaywise and as for sword placement how about ontop of the central tower and i place a grav lift somewhere in the level so that it is easy to tell if someone may be running around with the sword and there is a high risk in getting it
yeah that sounds like a great idea for the sword, adds a new concept to the level. wish i could download and give better feedback but i have the dreaded RRoD
same (thanks bill) but i managed to finish this map the day before. i actually had to use my friends xbox for the screenshots which is why the people in them are so ugly
yes you can delete the screenshots, and i'm putting a sword not a shotty Viva La Very Hot Topic!!! (my first very hot topic evar!)
Tinginho, is he a friend bumping your maps or just a guy that checked out a bunch of your maps and bumped them randomly?
i have played with him before but he is not a friend per se, he helped me test all my maps so he knows what they are like.