Map Name Ozymandias Map Type: Symmetrical Players: 4-6 Recommended (supports maximum of eight players) Weapons List: DMR x4 (60Seconds) Assault Rifle x2 (60Seconds) Frag Grenade x2 (15Seconds) Plasma Grenade x2 (30Seconds) Health Pack x3 (60Seconds) Plasma Pistol x2 (90Seconds) Plasma Rifle x2 (90Seconds) Concussion Rifle (120Seconds, 1Clip) Sniper Rifle (150Seconds, 1Clip) Active Camo (180Seconds) My last forge map before Halo 4 was designed as a spiritual successor to Epitaph of Halo 3, despite being symmetrical in design and slightly smaller. I began with a medium-sized 2v2 map in mind, constructing a design resembling a "half-pipe" out of large window coliseum pieces, and then fleshed out the bases and upper floors. The map is extremely height-orientated, making it seem bigger and more complex in layout during gameplay. In regards to the recommended number of players, spawning will be perfect with any less than six. After testing I found four versus four also works reasonably well, but just be aware that the map is small and condensed which might lead to a few bad spawns. Origin of the Name: The map is named after a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, not that I'm interested in poetry, but the title has a nice ring to it. Ozymandias (pronounced: Ozzy-man-di-ass) is the greek translation of Ramesses II, an Egyptian Pharaoh. Recommended Gametypes Slayer DMRs: (FFA, 2v2-3v3) This gametype is exactly what the map was designed for. Teams (or individuals) can fight to control the upper levels, in particular the sniper spawn, which acts as a significant power weapon given the cover-lacking central half-pipe. Use of the jetpack can also make navigation of the second floor quick and easy. Oddball: (FFA, 2v2-3v3) The ball is located directly underneath the sniper spawn in the centre of the half-pipe, making it intensely difficult to acquire and control. This adds a little more strategy to a team-based game. There are no easy "camping" spots to hold the ball, so the game is constantly changing pace. Neutral Bomb: (2v2-3v3) The bomb is located centrally, a fair distance away from both teams bases. This adds difficulty to planting the bomb and increases the need for precise strategy and teamwork. The sniper again can be used as a power weapon to facilitate control, but be wary that ignoring the bomb can be costly for the team as a whole. Screenshots (Well here is the part you probably skipped to anyway) Overview Middle #1 Overview Middle #2: Overview of Red Base during 4v4 Stockpile: Overview of Blue Base during 3v3 Slayer DMRs: Action Shot with Sniper: Battle at Sniper Spawn: Second Floor View: Finally I just want to thank everyone who helped test Ozymandias, including Paranoia UK, Marmajuke, Syphon Octane, and everyone else whose names I can't remember.
Fantastic looking map, especially picture 2. That should be your thumbnail in my opinion. Those structures make it feel ancient and the open ceiling is a nice touch. Enough with aesthetics, though. My concern is with the lights at each base and the glass around them that there might be framerate issues. Is that true? That would probably be my only gripe from just looking at the pics, and I would be glad to play this to test out my theory. 2v2 seems like it would be best.
Thanks! No I got pretty lucky and there are no frame-rate issues at any part of the map. Even with the lights (which I agree are a killer for frame-rate) the map runs smoothly.
Very long Lines of Sight. I know its for DMRs, which can be a little more open, but I'm not seeing many LoS blockers. Also where are the power weapons located? I can't find a reason to go downstairs. Another question, can you sprint jump across the top floors in the middle? I imagine you made it big enough so they can't but those brace large ends sticking out of the walls might prove me wrong. Other than those few things it looks good. Kinda reminds me of one matchmaking map, but I forgot the name (Or if it's still in matchmaking even?) Good job!
I appreciate what you're saying but it isn't really a case of having line of sight blockers. Although the central area is fairly open, the rest of map is extremely close quarters to balance this. I should probably have used more screenshots to show that so that's my bad. In terms of power weapons there is an active Camo in the centre of the lower level. No you can't sprint jump across the braces horizontally (across the half-pipe). Thanks! You are maybe thinking of Epitaph?
I appreciate what you're saying but it isn't really a case of having line of sight blockers. Although the central area is fairly open, the rest of map is extremely close quarters to balance this. I should probably have used more screenshots to show that so that's my bad.
I absolutely see the epitaph, theres no denying that but was there inspiration from elongations design? It reminds me of elongation by the balance of cross map line of sight and thin hallways close by to escape to. I'd say it looks pretty good. The only things i can pick out I don't care for much is that the piece use isn't my personal favored pieces and it's a little square, if you know what I'm trying to say. Hopefully i'll get a game on it with you and I'll see how it feels.
Actually no, though I can see why you would say that. Thanks buddy! Yeah I get what you're saying about the piece choice, it certainly isn't my most aesthetically pleasing creation to date.
Oh my god, I remember this map! One of my favourite maps you've made, dude. The games we played, both FFA and team, were great fun from what I remember. I also recall evade being really awesome in the center area
Thanks dude, yes I thought I may as well post this before Reach is dead. Glad you enjoyed testing it.
really enjoyed playing on this the other day. Map flowed really well and worked great for the gametype we played.