I'm sure everyone is particularly skilled at something or has a hobby or pastime they do in their spare time. For hobbies, I spend my days either kayaking or diving, yes, SCUBA diving.
Ain't nothing wrong with scuba diving. That's actually really cool. Me, I play basketball. I enjoy dunking more than anything else, so I am working on being a very flashy dunker. When Halo 4 comes out, I'll be doing quite a bit of forging, though.
Yeah, forging takes up quite a bit of time for me, as well as using other design programs. I love to ski and hike but living in Phoenix AZ makes that difficult, thought I still get away when I can. I've also been a distance runner for the past 5 years or so.
I draw very frequently nowadays, and I play hacky sack whenever the mood is right. I'm (very slowly) teaching myself how to play the piano, and I write poetry from time to time as well. One old skill that I don't use too often but still have a little bit of is dance. Specifically break-dance and hip hop.
I like to make music in my free time and spend a lot of my time (trying) to design new sounds. I also happen to enjoy studying music theory in my free time, although I would not consider myself to be a virtuoso in anything other than twisting knobs. Aside from that, I like programming, web design, working out and mathematics. I wish I was more interesting...
Lol What I thought would happen was that no one would believe what I was saying about SCUBA. Guess I was wrong a out that. ^
I can play guitar and program moderately well within my skillset. C#, java, BASIC, python, and maple are my languages of choice - and I'm looking to learn cobol over the Christmas break.
I've been scuba diving a couple times, and that **** is ****ing awesome. My skills include making ramen, waking up just in time to barely make it to class, and losing ranked matches in Gears 3.
Used to forge often, but then i took a dull grey forgeworld to the game. But srsly, when i can, i wakeboard, ski, trick (flips n ****) and make short videos for my youtube channel. Also try making le music that is typically known to involve much bass. Thats me in a nutshell.
As far as hobbies go, I skateboard, play basketball, and mess around with graphic design. I haven't done much of either these past few weeks though. Skills? I'm pretty damn good at Call of Duty if that counts for anything.
Hobbies: graphics, finding music, reading (autobiographies interest me), watching (good) films/shows, youtube, badminton, football, photography, gaming (esp. with buddies), hiking (under good conditions lol), golfing (although somewhat mediocre at it), drawing, i've grown to love traveling (going to vietnam this christmas), etc. I'm generally really into cognitive thinking and how personalities and identities are formed. I find myself thinking about what people think of me... I almost obsess over this at times, esp. if it's a girl. True story
I draw purdy pictures that seem to only interest me :\, guess it doesn't matter though, that just means that I draw whatever I feel like drawing . other than that, I play the Violin, do CE modding, and I have a knack for making gadgets out of my surroundings (they don't last too long though) I once made a wandering robot out of stereo parts and a circuit kit from radioshack
anything that involves constructing things, whether its virtual or in real life. Im a plumber by trade but I take on any constructing jobs with relative ease, whether its carpentry, masonry or metal works it rarely gives me much trouble. I try to take this eye for detail into forge mode to create smart and clean looking environments.
Anything with the creative arts. This includes but is not limited to: Forging Graphic Design (Drawing, photo manipulation, abstract digital art is my thing) Music Production (attempts anyway) Magic: The Gathering (been playing for about 1.5 years) Others: I played soccer for about 15 years. I love table tennis. I occasionally snowboard, but have not in a few years. That's me in a nutshell.