I'm sure everyones got a phobia of some sort, whether it be spiders or heights. Well, mines about insects. There were 4 crickets in my house and I totally freaked out. I killed two, one was already dead I believe, and the last one I gave up on trying to get over this idiotic fear and just asked my brother... who proceeded to kill the bug, then ridicule me and call me a girl because I just can't get over this stupid fear. It's gotten so bad, that I actually wake up because I think there's a bug on me, when in reality it's just my dog's hair (I've two dogs who shed like crazy) and then I freak out because of paranoia and mind over matter. I don't know what to do to get over this damn fear. I've been able to kill them, not consistently, but forcing myself to when I need to. Does anyone have any ideas?
I feel bad for hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobics... By definition they would have phobiaphobia since they'd be afraid of the name of their phobia. Also, arachnophobia, a common and rational fear. Spiders ****ing suck. I used to be afraid of heights and was claustrophobic but as soon as I started firefighting that **** had to go right out the door.
Pigeons. These motherfuckers are everywhere, waiting for me to eat something, waiting for their time to strike. They want to fly in my face, with their dirty feet or however they are called, they want to pick my eyes out with their beaks, they want to **** in my eye sockets ... that's what I think they want to do I've never been attacked by a pigeon, but every time I see one in the streets, I keep its distance, I freak out when they come close, I duck as soon as they lift off ... ****ing pigeons
Clowns, heights, and... Quick stops. Gas stations, whatever you want to call them. Whenever i was about 12 or 13, My mom and I pulled up to one and I began to just have this heavy feeling that something wasn't right and that I did not want to be there. Something bad was going to happen. I told my mom to be as quick as possible because I wanted to leave because something was wrong. She knew I was being serious so she went inside, got whatever she needed and came back out. 15-30 mins later, the place got robbed and the clerk was shot, and killed. So I do say, **** Quickstops/Gas stations. I will not go in one by myself anywhere near night-time, and I won't go in alone if I do have to go in.
Honestly, I have always been terrified of broken glass. The fact that something so unnoticeably small can easily cut through skin scares the piss out of me. No kidding, I will not walk in the vicinity of an area where a lightbulb has broken for a couple of hours. It's apparantly called Spasmenagaliaphobia.
I used to have a fear of insects, Gr4phix, then I moved and we had tons of cockroaches everywhere. It sort of desensitised me... but hell, doesn't mean I love them now I have a fear of open water... specifically if I don't have a boat with a motor. I was once caught in massive 3-4 foot waves in a Kayak. The wind randomly picked up.. it was unavoidable.. and we (my dad and I) almost got pushed out into the middle of Lake Michigan. So maybe I just hate kayaking lol
My greatest fear, is that some day, I will have run out of things to do :\ not your classic fear, but still, you'd just wander forever, no purpose, no direction, nothing. You literally no longer have a validation for your existence.
This is even more skewed than siletjacket's phobia, but I'm legitimately scared of irrational thought. If there's a possibility where I have absolutely no idea what someone is going to do next, I **** my pants. I'm also scared of loud noises, but I think that's just because I never go out. I also hate being watched/judged by other people, which is a little unfair because I often find myself judging other people all the time.
Hmmm.... well I'm sure I have Gelotophobia(fear of being laughed at), Nosophobia(I trip **** if someone next to me sneezes), and of course, the dreaded arachnophobia(because **** spiders).
I can't stand hanging by a single rope or being inside of a object that's hanging by a rope or cable. So climbing and elevators make me uncomfortable. Plane takeoffs and landings make me tense also. Oh and I've got a phobia of making a joke of myself or making mistakes.
Probably mild arachnophobia. Big spiders freak me right the **** out but the smaller garden variety is fine, and jumping spiders are almost kinda cute in a weird unsettling way. That's about it for me, but my ex-girlfriends have had a few interesting ones. Marléna was afraid of knives, and like couldn't use a steak knife at dinner or put one in the dishwasher or anything. Her phobia was reasonably mild, and was never really an issue. Elizabeth, on the other hand, had a pretty serious one. She was phobic of pumping blood and like the circulatory system in general. Seeing a bloody injury or a pool of blood or something was fine, but it was the physical pumping of a heartbeat and the movement of blood through veins and arteries that were the trigger. She had actually been to therapy for it some time before we met, and apparently it used to be much worse, but it still made a lot of things difficult. Laying in bed together was a challenge because she couldn't have her head near my chest, she couldn't listen to music with heavy bass because the rhythmic low-pitch thumping reminded her of a heartbeat, and unfortunately she had occasional arrhythmia (where the heart beats erratically) which seriously freaked her out to the point of tears. Injections, IVs and having blood drawn were huge no-nos as well, because of having to access a vein.
I dont have any phobias myself, but my friend has mild claustrophobia. He cant sit on window seats of buses if someone else sits next to him, so he has to sit in the aisle where he has room... its funny.
I really don't have any. I don't really like it when a public toilet's about to flood. That's about it. I have intense night-terrors every month or so. Don't know why, seeing as I'm 20 years old. Anyway, I never really got the fear of spiders. I love them. Is it just not knowing where they are because their small? What is it? They're harmless, unless of course you run into the really poisonous ones. But seriously they're so much smaller than you why would you be afraid of them?
Living in Arizona you don't touch anything until you know what it is. We have had Black Widows in and around our house since we moved out here as well as wolf spiders and a variety of other things. Small spiders I have no qualms with, it's when they are larger and I can't tell what they are that I am nervous. Scorpions are far worse though, those things are little bitches. Phobias are not always rational too, they may only make sense to people with them. Mock described a while ago that his old girlfriend hated the idea of pumping blood/ sound of a heartbeat to the point that she would cry. I have a milder version of this to the point where it merely annoys me, and even though I know it makes no sense it bugs me all the same.
I seriously thought this thread had died. I hadn't been looking out for it. In any case, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's deathly afraid of something irrational. Admittedly, I don't think my insectophobia (I'll give you one guess as to what that means) came from my childhood... because I don't remember it. Anyone have any idea as to where/how phobias form?
They form from childhood, usually because of a traumatic event.. then it grows because you don't confront it EG I read a short story about an anesthesiologist who was afraid of going under because when he was younger he started panicking before being put under and people strapped him down and covered his mouth. So he had a fear of not only going under but he also couldn't scuba dive.. it's really scary stuff if you've ever had a serious one.. people often underestimate or belittle it by saying stuff like, "i have a phobia of heights" when really they're only scared or just say it for attention.. Then people laugh at others who have a fear of ducks or something.. which is admittedly pretty absurd, but it's still serious to the person. I think I have a phobia myself (not what I talked about earlier in this thread), but I've never been diagnosed or anything, so naturally this topic is pretty interesting to me.