Bungie.net link Youtube video I'm still not quite sure how this happened... I was just messing around in forge on sand trap; riding on top of a warthog firing lasers at people, the usual. Then suddenly we hit a bump and when I fire my laser it reversed, and killed me.
lol sweet. idk if anyone saw it on mlgpro but there was a guy experimenting with spartan lasers and teleporters and found that if you shoot somebody the second they go through the teleporter, the beam will actually go to wherever that person comes out of the teleporter. maybe thats what happened?
I watched it, looked like you were hit by another one. I know what happened you fired and it missed everything going into an alternate reality where it travelled through the galaxy shooting across the universe where it then decided to return to its home. Its common for Lasers that suffer from wanderlust
dude thats a sentinal beam, he died from it, but it looked like the laser, it was pretty convincing, until I realized Ive seen thousands of pics like that
ah, no that is a glitch, not a sentinal beam there isn't a trace of yellow beam in there, 110% splazorr
I take it that this forge was over XBOX Live? If you were not the connection host, lag could have caused "beam recalculation" as the Spazer was caught between two locations in virtual space. This is similar to many of my findings during my Halo 3 "ghost of sandtrap" investigation. It could also be that the tank killed you and the splazer continued to fire as your dead body dropped it, resulting in the delayed second beam.(yes, it does do that) Lag may have made you appear to be alive for a few seconds after the tank nailed you. Of course, if you were off of LIVE, than it might be something entirely different.