Decided to just play around.. not meant to be a sig or a wallpaper, just was inspired Decided against CnC. Tell me if you like it, your thoughts on what you think it means, or just something that relates to it. If you don't like it or want to post criticism then please don't comment. Just trying to get some creativity going instead of the sometimes insistent critique which often fills this website..
while I can't say much for the concept, the methods you used, how does do? I like the cloud/molten effect, and the overall bleached feeling
There are several: 1. I extracted the head from a stock image, changed the levels/etc. 2. I used Select > Color Range a lot to extract the flames from a black background 3. I used the smudge tool and several brushes (the ones I sent you) to blend the flames in 4. I added a bunch of rainbow gradients to the flames to make them seem oily.. that didn't look so great so I made them purple/yellow instead 5. Added several clipping masks to the flame layer and added a bit of a shadow/highlight 6. Added the reflection/discoloration/minor detailing on the guy 7. Added the background design, added gradients 8. Added several gradients with about 20% opacity each 9. Minor touches 10. Applied the image and messed around with the tones/contrast/color I'd suggest googling "photoshop tutorial" to help with the specifics.. I like how it turned out. I really enjoy making these... I often lose any sense of time, and just keep going (for a max of like 4 hours). Thanks for the comment This took me about 2 hours, if you're curious
It's very abstract and I like it a lot, what inspired this? Also you should blend the flames into the mouth more to make it seem more like the guy is blowing the flames out. Very nice piece though
This song pretty much: Ugly Casanova - Cat Faces - YouTube Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you like it
A breath of despair and wrenching pain comes to mind. Some inner struggle that when voiced, only comes about as the epitome of horrific mental and physical pain. Something awful happened to this man, and it threatens to devour him alive and burn his very mind to the point of non-existence. if it has not already. That's what I see in this. There is one part that bothers me, but since you asked for no criticism, I will refrain from mentioning it. I disagree.
I like it a lot, but there are a few things that are bugging me a bit. The motion of the puff seems to be going diagonal from the upper left to the lower right rather than in the direction that a real puff of "smoke" would be travelling--away from his mouth. The background as is just a distraction in my opinion, it would be much stronger if it were just the face and the smoke. One other minor detail I don't like is the blending of the head in the neck area, but that is, like I said, a small detail. Overall it's very well done though.
I appreciate the attempt to help but you should've read the OP first, not looking for criticism Glad you like it Noxiw :3
its not a forge map, its artwork. =) erico this is my favorite i've seen from you, i ****ing love it. great job man! also i'd like to see you make a 'portfolio-ish' thread once you have some more stuff like this great great
Thanks man, means a lot, seriously. I'd like to do that! Although I kind of like the attention that gathers when you post stuff one at a time. It's more noticeable when you post a new thread than when you update a thread, I guess
I know what you mean. The reason I don't bother putting more up is because I dont notice anyone looking at the portfolio thread I have. I mean, they id at first, but now I doubt if anyone did this week. Why update if nobody cares?